Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
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The Animal Communicator Blog

Being an Animal Communicator

Celebrating Her Service: Anita Curtis

Beloved elder animal communicator Anita Curtis died on March 9, 2025. She practiced professionally for over three decades.
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Navigating Your Sensitivity

Several students attending my Advanced Animal Whispering Course had great questions about handling their sensitivity—a follow-up subject to my last blog on protection.
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Protection from Negative Beings

I bought your animal communication audio recording course but have never practiced them because I have fears and concerns about opening myself up. I have heard and read that there is a danger of coming in contact with negative beings and a need for protection once we open ourselves up. 

Does this happen because people do not work on themselves to clear out negative aspects they may have? I have heard that we attract vibrations that are similar to us. As none of us are perfect and are here to learn and grow spiritually, how can we be safe from attacks from negative forces or beings?  How can I ensure that I am not attacked or put others in danger from beings that may come through? 
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Remembering How to Hear Animals

Article written by Kate Brower (now Solisti) for Species Link Issue 10, Winter 1993 about her animal communication journey

As a young child I heard plants, animals, and minerals speaking to me. I thought everybody could hear them. I quickly learned that this was not the case.

Hearing over and over, "It's just your imagination, dear" made me doubt the truth of my deeper connection. In order to be accepted by family and friends, I shut down my ability to hear. I tried to forget what I had heard, but somehow always remembered conversations with my cat.
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The Vital Role of Pure Presence

Want to know the key ingredient for successful animal communication consultations and life in general?
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Honoring Early Animal Communicator, Barbara Janelle

Barbara Janelle left this world early Monday morning, 25 September 2023 in Santa Barbara, California. I remember her as a beautiful soul when she studied with me. A well-loved animal communicator and teacher, known for her compassion and wisdom, I am among the many people who will miss her.
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The Animal Communication Genie

When I did animal consultations years ago, people would leave requests for consultations on my answering machine (later on voicemail) when I couldn’t answer the phone. I would return to find a message about their animal friend being in distress, asking if I could help them. Then, I would hear a following message thanking me for helping their animal friend. They said they didn’t need a consultation after all, since the problem resolved soon after they called me.

How did this happen? Was a genie in the answering machine fulfilling their wishes?
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Being An Animal Communicator Transformed Me

by Akshaya Kawle
Akshaya is an animal communicator who sponsored an online class I taught with animal communicators in India. The Code of Ethics section from that class can be found on my YouTube channel

Five years ago, I embarked on a remarkable journey by conducting my first Intuitive Animal Communication Workshop. Little did I know that this experience would not only deepen my understanding of the natural world but also unravel profound insights about myself and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
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Explaining How Animal Communication Works

As animal communicators, we know what an animal is feeling, can identify the personality of the animal to our clients, see images, feelings, hear words, and more. For example: I tell a client that one of her three dogs is just the funniest dog in the world and she says, “Oh, he is, he is!” The animal tells us what s/he needs and then when I check in with clients a few weeks later, the issues are usually resolved. Sometimes I get feelings about what is going on with the animals before I even make the phone call to the client.

People often ask me how this works. What do you say to people when they ask you: How do you do this? How do we know all this? Is there a scientific explanation? I would love a simple explanation that would make sense to people and also for myself.

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The Passing of Animal Communicator, David Louis

David Louis left our Earth abode for spaces beyond on January 24, 2023. As I ponder and connect with his journey, I’m writing this tribute to him.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Val Heart

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers thirty or more years ago. Val Heart has cultivated expertise in an ever increasing variety of healing modalities to help animals and their people. Amber Petrik interviewed her for this “Featured Animal Communicator” column for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 82, Spring 2011.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Anita Curtis

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers thirty or more years ago. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” column where I interviewed Anita Curtis for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 59, Autumn 2005. Those who discover animal communication later in life can be encouraged by Anita Curtis' adventurous path.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Elizabeth Severino

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” column in Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 64, Autumn 2006. You may well be as amazed at Elizabeth Severino’s accomplishments as I am.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Jacquelin Smith

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. I wrote this article after interviewing Jacquelin Smith for the “Featured Animal Communicator” column in Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 60, Autumn 2005. Read the fascinating story of how the door to Jacquelin’s psychic abilities opened wide after a near death experience.

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Animal Communicator or Pet Psychic?

I have recently been considering the question "Are all animal communicators 'Pet Psychics'?".

How other animal communicators view the term “Pet Psychic” seems to be rather varied. I am puzzled. One very respected communicator’s website specifically states that she is not a pet psychic, whereas another respected communicator’s book details on its cover the author listed as one of America’s top psychics and during a workshop I attended referred to herself as an animal psychic. Contrarily, I became aware that another communicator has recently removed the words “pet psychic” from alongside her main heading on her website.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Jeri Ryan

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago.

When I wrote a tribute to Jeri Ryan after her death on March 25, 2022, I had not yet gone through the Species Link Journal archives to uncover this interview from Issue 65, Winter 2007. I’m glad to have this information for reference, because it’s easy to forget after fifteen years that it was written, even though I wrote it!

In this edited version of the Featured Animal Communicator column Jeri gives details of her upbringing, intriguing twists and turns of her life, and how she came to experience her animal connection. Animal communicators will also benefit from her detailed description of her consultation methods and her client results. May you find her interview fascinating and enlightening.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Betty Lewis

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. This article is based on the “Featured Animal Communicator” column where I interviewed Betty Lewis for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 63, Summer 2006. Her path in animal service careers is a rich one.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Dawn Hayman

This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. This article is based on the “Featured Animal Communicator” column where I interviewed Dawn Hayman for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 67, Summer 2007. I hope you’ll find Dawn’s story as fascinating as I did.

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Honoring Early Animal Communicators: Carol Gurney

Moved by the recent death of animal communicator, Jeri Ryan, I wish to celebrate early animal communication students who became dedicated professionals in the field. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” story I wrote for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 62, Spring 2006.

Carol Gurney was one of my first animal communication students who became an accomplished animal communicator and teacher of animal communication.

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The Passing of Animal Communicator, Jeri Ryan

Jeri Ryan left her physical form on Earth and took off for more expansive realms on March 25, 2022. After studying animal communication with me in the late 1970s/early 80s, she became the first professional animal communicator who had trained with me.

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Tell It Like It Is

When people first start training as animal communicators, they are often unsure and hesitant about relaying the communication they receive from animals. As their instructor, I commonly had to coax students to say what communication they got, since they weren’t sure it was “right” or that they got anything at all and didn’t want to look foolish.

When students were doing course exercises with other people’s animal companions, instead of just telling what they got from the animal to the person, they might
hedge their bets.

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Animals and Unresolved Issues

I was speaking to a puppy, Tutu, who had transitioned recently. She was living on the street with her family and was in and out of homes when her mother was neutered, then again when she had Parvo. She was adopted for a few days and abandoned. She was upset when I connected with her, and wanted closure as to why she was not allowed to just be by the feeder and that she could never really belong and felt unwanted. This was my first experience for an animal seeking closure and I was not sure if it was me projecting. When I spoke with other experienced communicators, everyone said it was my projection or the animal mirroring the need for closure of the human. But I still feel in my heart that it was the animal. Would you have an insight into an animal's soul journey? Could they like us also need closure? Could they too have unresolved issues?

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How to Ground Disoriented Animals

Lisa Mapes writes:
I was called upon to meet with a dog that I helped in the past. This time I found his behavior so unusual. He seemed to be in another dimension and was very ungrounded. How do you ground someone who is so taken over by another realm? I know food can help, and play with the other dogs, and I know he loves the land. But the energies come over him and he floats away, sometimes ending up down the road in the subdivision! I am amazed with what I am seeing and was wondering if you have had dealings like this? Such a fascinating and powerful situation. The horses honored him and the dogs just allowed him to be, even as he paced or floated through the house at night. When he would look at me he would hold my gaze and look through me. I just feel so honored to know him, to have the experience of him.

Yes, I have been asked to help animals who were so immersed in other realms that they did not function well in the physical world and remained in an expanded but dysfunctional, ungrounded state, partially or wholly disconnected from their bodies. Bodies may be left to run on automatic when beings are not fully connected and in control. They may be jumpy, easily startled, prone to run away, or have behavior and health problems.

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How Can You Know Telepathically if an Animal is Dead or Alive?

Some animal communicators have had the experience in long-distance consultations when clients test them by asking them to communicate with an animal but hide the fact that the animal has died.

Readers have asked:
Why doesn’t an animal communicator know if an animal who is not present is alive or dead?

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Animal Communicators Can Be Fooled

Helping people with their animal friends as an animal communicator can be demanding work. To do it well requires a great deal of sensitivity, calm, centered presence, compassion, clear and deep communication, dedication to our own spiritual/emotional growth, strength, and courage.

It is not a profession for the faint of heart.

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Real Wild Documentary: The Animal Communicator

The Real Wild Documentary about the work of South African animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, is exquisitely produced to demonstrate the power and foundation of animal communication. Anna has found, as I have in my lifetime of work in the field, that people transform and emotionally heal when they connect and rediscover how to communicate with animals. She dedicates her work to awakening the power of animal communication in all humans to heal the Nature separation humanity is suffering that negatively affects our whole world.

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How to Use Animal Communication Effectively for Behavior Problems

In this guest blog, professional animal communicator, Teresa Wagner shares her well-written, thorough coverage of what an effective animal consultation is about and how a client can get the most out of it.


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Do You Want To Be An Animal Communicator?

Continuing on the theme of what it takes to be an animal communicator from my last blog, here are wise words by Dawn Hayman, a very experienced animal communicator who trained with me. She submitted this article at my request when I was editor of Species Link journal in 1994, and I also included it in my Interspecies Counselor Course.

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What Does It Take To Be An Animal Communicator?

You might think that the most important prerequisite for being an animal communicator is loving animals and wanting to help them. That is a natural, deeply felt characteristic of all animal communicators I know. Even more important is a willingness and ability to communicate well with people to help them understand their animal friends and increase harmony among humans and other species.

People who feel they love animals but loath people do not do well in this field. Vital to being a good communicator or counselor is love and compassion for all species and individuals you work with, including humans, and (perhaps, most of all) yourself.

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Getting to the Root of Problems

Successful animal communication consultations are characterized by positive attitude and behavior changes in animals and their people about situations that have been brought up to handle. Getting to the root of problems through telepathic communication and understanding of the animal’s and human’s viewpoints rather than just giving advice based on past experience or others’ conclusions about animal behavior is the key. Here are a few examples.

A woman called me for help because her cat Misha repeatedly peed on the bed. This started after the woman broke up with her boyfriend and moved from a house where the cat could go outdoors and had more human company to a high rise apartment where cats were not even allowed. The apartment was sterile and the cat spent most of the day alone.

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PET PSYCHIC or Animal Communicator?

Every individual of every species is born with the ability to communicate telepathically by direct feeling and thought transfer. I have emphasized in my teaching and publications that people who have lost their ability to communicate with animals in the course of their human socialization can rediscover it again.

Consciously communicating telepathically with animals my whole life, I never denied or abandoned this natural intuitive connection. In 1971, I did my first counseling session with an animal using telepathic communication.

As I continued to do animal consultations to help people with problems they had with their animal companions, I called myself an
animal communicator. That was a natural choice. What I did involved exchanging communication in the form of thoughts, images, feelings, sensations, emotions, intentions… with animals, domestic or wild.

Why not Pet Psychic?
Why don’t I use the popularized term “Pet Psychic” to describe what I do?

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Why I Became an Animal Communicator

I’ve been asked, encouraged, and cajoled to do a blog for years. Now, at last, in this phase of my life, I have the time. And the new website program and redesigned website that I launched in October 2017 handily supports a blog.

I look forward to sharing many animal communication experiences and insights I’ve had for the seven decades I’ve lived so far this life. I’ll start with a foundation subject, “
Why I Became an Animal Communicator.” So, here we go…

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