December 20, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Death & ReincarnationQuestion: Many of my animals have told me that when they or a human dies, it is the right time on the soul level. Many animals have asked me to give them time or let them pass on their own.
In animal communication courses, other animals also complained that they did not want to die and got thrown out of their bodies unprepared. Some said that far too many are put down against their will.
On the other hand, I communicated with a dog with many problems who was hoping his people would release him out of his body. Instead, his people tried again and again to keep him alive.
Can animals die too early or too late? What does this mean on the soul level? Is what bothers me a question of guilt and responsibility?
Read More… Looking out on my beautiful garden
Plants lovingly nestled into soil
Tended with care
Till I listen with my inner ear
Read More… December 04, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesPam Youngquist wrote to me recently:
I have an urgent request for your communication services on behalf of the American Grey Wolves in Idaho.
The immediate situation is that 2000 wolves (their total population) living in Idaho are in immediate danger of state-sanctioned eradication of their species. The state wolf depredation program has just hired an expert animal control outfit to do all in its power to kill every wolf in the state.
Read More… November 22, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesPart of a series of communications received by people from other species and life forms on how we can help restore the health of our planet.
Kerrie Searle, Animal Communicator and Flower Essence Practitioner, shares her experience of making a Whale Essence.
Read More… My former dog, Belinda, touchingly greeted human friends. She would delicately place her nose near their lips, sniffing lightly, and then touch her nose to the center of their forehead, the third eye. She then paused for them to get her message that they should bend their head toward her so she could touch the crown. It was her special blessing and Namaste greeting.
My longhaired Chihuahua came to me at winter solstice 2018 from the same Small Dog Rescue that rescued Belinda.
Read More… November 08, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesPart of a series of communications received by people from other species and life forms on how we can help restore the health of our planet. These contributors turned to water and air elements for guidance.
Read More… In early October, I visited a friend in Flagstaff, Arizona, 125 miles from my home north of Phoenix. Afterward, I decided to continue to the Grand Canyon since it was only 80 miles further, and I hadn’t been there in years. Gazing into the canyon from the rim above is always awe-inspiring, expanding, and revitalizing.
Read More… November 01, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesA reader wrote to me of her Bald Eagle experience:
Bald Eagle's message to me changed my direction on life. I love animals and would much prefer hanging out with the furry, feathered, and scaled than my own species. I've been deeply hurt in the past, numerous times by people I trust and had happily been cocooned up to protect myself using COVID and my chemical sensitivities as the perfect excuse. Bald Eagle aims to change that.
Read More… October 08, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesRegula Kramer wrote to me in July requesting assistance in communicating with the bee population in Switzerland.
I am in contact with plants, and try to get the needs from and send messages to the cats I am living with. I am in doubt whether it's accurate, but I will continue.
Now I have a concrete issue I'd wish help for.
I wish to enhance the living conditions for bees in my home country, Switzerland. I wish to know how we can best support them to be healthy and thriving again. I would like to know from their perspective what the biggest threat is in Switzerland and what they think could be solutions.
Read More… September 29, 2023 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorBarbara Janelle left this world early Monday morning, 25 September 2023 in Santa Barbara, California. I remember her as a beautiful soul when she studied with me. A well-loved animal communicator and teacher, known for her compassion and wisdom, I am among the many people who will miss her.
Read More… September 18, 2023 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorWhen I did animal consultations years ago, people would leave requests for consultations on my answering machine (later on voicemail) when I couldn’t answer the phone. I would return to find a message about their animal friend being in distress, asking if I could help them. Then, I would hear a following message thanking me for helping their animal friend. They said they didn’t need a consultation after all, since the problem resolved soon after they called me.
How did this happen? Was a genie in the answering machine fulfilling their wishes?
Read More… September 03, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesPart of a series of communications received by people from other species and life forms on how we can help restore the health of our planet.
This story from Briana Halliwell (HolyWell) shows how important it is for us to take note when animals communicate to us while we are awake or through our dreams.
Read More… August 16, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesPart of a series of communications received by people from other species and life forms on how we can help restore the health of our planet.
We hear no-nonsense advice from a sparrow, robin, blackbird, two cats, and bees.
Read More… August 01, 2023 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesA reader asked about the large pod of about 100 pilot whales stranded off a beach in western Australia recently. They formed a heart shape before they died.
Please read the long communication of a larger group of pilot whales stranded in 2020, which also applies to the current stranding.
Read More… Communicating with viruses or other microorganisms may feel like a stretch if you think of animal communication applying mainly to dogs, horses, cats, or other mammals. However, communicating with smaller life forms, even as tiny as cells, can yield enlightening results. Sue Becker echoes my experience in communicating with viruses in her article here.
Read More… Researchers are studying the field of interspecies telepathic communication in new ways that go beyond old scientific research models that do not adequately approach or reveal the multifaceted results of this subject. These contemporary scientists have also taken intuitive interspecies communication classes. Some are even practicing professionals in the field. It is an exciting time for enormous expansion to new people who may not have been open to or even have heard of animal communication.
I put together this comprehensive article with revealing contributions from other seasoned animal communicators about scientific proof, published in Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 53 Winter 2004. Enjoy the time you take to dive into its riches.
Read More… David Louis left our Earth abode for spaces beyond on January 24, 2023. As I ponder and connect with his journey, I’m writing this tribute to him.
Read More… This series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers thirty or more years ago. Val Heart has cultivated expertise in an ever increasing variety of healing modalities to help animals and their people. Amber Petrik interviewed her for this “Featured Animal Communicator” column for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 82, Spring 2011.
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