A sentinel and testament to our planetary state, she labors on, providing a stream of awakening consciousness and compassion to all.
Read More… The ocean journey was particularly rough as we sailed from our dock at Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic to our anchoring spot in the sheltered coral reef area that thousands of humpback whales frequent each year for breeding and nursing new babies. The high waves crashed heavily against our metal hulled vessel, pitching us mercilessly on a wild roller coaster ride as we moved at the fast clip necessary to safely navigate the ocean in that area. Three hours later, as we neared our destination, I was desperately wishing for the choppiness to stop, so that my nausea would subside. I then planned to rest a bit and surface from my cabin refuge with some semblance of composure to see how everyone else was doing. My rational vision turned out to be one of those best laid plans that go awry.
Read More… December 06, 2022 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorThis series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers thirty or more years ago. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” column where I interviewed Anita Curtis for Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 59, Autumn 2005. Those who discover animal communication later in life can be encouraged by Anita Curtis' adventurous path.
Read More… I am a caretaker for a colony of seventeen feral cats and seven indoor/outdoor cats. An abundance of poison ivy grows on my property and the cats lie on these plants. I got a severe rash last year on the inside of my calves and on my neck. One of my indoor/outdoor cats, Nutberger, who likes to walk between my legs to get me to pick her up and hold her over my shoulder, gave me the poison ivy rash. I had to go through two courses of steroids, one course of antibiotics, and two tubes of Zanfel (skin wash that binds with urushiol, the oil in poison ivy that causes the itch) to get relief last summer. I gave Nutberger a bath to get the oil off her. This year I got it on my forearm and used the Zanfel right away and that kept it under control.
I know you can talk to plants as well as animals, but a plant can’t uproot and move somewhere else as a solution. Perhaps the cats could lie somewhere else but poison ivy is all around their feeding station. I don’t necessarily want to kill the poison ivy but I don’t want to be badly affected by its oil. Do you have any ideas?
Read More… November 08, 2022 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorThis series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. This article is derived from the “Featured Animal Communicator” column in Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 64, Autumn 2006. You may well be as amazed at Elizabeth Severino’s accomplishments as I am.
Read More… I would love to hear others' experiences of using animal communication to affect "present moment real time" behavior.
After communication sessions, I see dramatic and immediate behavior changes in client animals all the time. And yet, I can't telepathically say to my pony (who loves treats) "I have an apple for you; come get it!" and get any sort of response. Yet if I physically show him the apple, he stops grazing and trots right over.
Read More… In an online mentoring class I did recently, many questions were submitted that I didn’t have time to answer. Here’s one of them:
How does a recent picture of the animal help the animal communicator (if they are off of the premises)? Beverly Taylor
A similar question was answered in Species Link, The Voice of Experience Column Issue 60, Autumn 2005.
Read More… September 17, 2022 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorThis series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago. I wrote this article after interviewing Jacquelin Smith for the “Featured Animal Communicator” column in Species Link, The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication, Issue 60, Autumn 2005. Read the fascinating story of how the door to Jacquelin’s psychic abilities opened wide after a near death experience.
Read More… September 12, 2022 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorI have recently been considering the question "Are all animal communicators 'Pet Psychics'?".
How other animal communicators view the term “Pet Psychic” seems to be rather varied. I am puzzled. One very respected communicator’s website specifically states that she is not a pet psychic, whereas another respected communicator’s book details on its cover the author listed as one of America’s top psychics and during a workshop I attended referred to herself as an animal psychic. Contrarily, I became aware that another communicator has recently removed the words “pet psychic” from alongside her main heading on her website.
Read More… September 01, 2022 Filed in:
Being an Animal CommunicatorThis series highlights the inspiring breakthroughs of early animal communicators, who began their professional careers over thirty years ago.
When I wrote a tribute to Jeri Ryan after her death on March 25, 2022, I had not yet gone through the Species Link Journal archives to uncover this interview from Issue 65, Winter 2007. I’m glad to have this information for reference, because it’s easy to forget after fifteen years that it was written, even though I wrote it!
In this edited version of the Featured Animal Communicator column Jeri gives details of her upbringing, intriguing twists and turns of her life, and how she came to experience her animal connection. Animal communicators will also benefit from her detailed description of her consultation methods and her client results. May you find her interview fascinating and enlightening.
Read More… August 18, 2022 Filed in:
Animal WelfareI contributed to an article titled:
What Pet Owners Need to Know About Homebuying, including features of a pet-friendly home and neighborhood.
Animal specialists give practical information on meeting animals’ needs when you move and helping them to feel safe and happy in their new home environment. I was pleased to add something about the helpfulness of communicating with animals.
Read More… February 28, 2022 Filed in:
Animal Death & ReincarnationPeople often email me their questions about animal communication or their animal friends. As appropriate, I refer them to animal communicators for a professional consultation. Others I refer to publications or other professionals such as veterinarians for help. When I feel I can answer quickly in a helpful way, especially with people I know, I buzz off a response. Here are a few of these questions and my answers as food-for-thought.
Read More… February 16, 2022 Filed in:
Animal AwarenessWould you share with us how America's Wild Horses are faring with the massive roundups by the Bureau of Land Management over the last year(s)? In 2021, I read over 18,000 have been unceremoniously and somewhat carelessly rounded up and shipped to government holding pens. Over 100 horses have been killed in the process. Given our partnership with these creatures over millennia, it seems a great tragedy. Are they willing to share what, if anything, we can do to support them, outside of advocating for their protection or adoption?
Read More… Beloved Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh left his human form on 22 January 2022. His recorded wisdom and loving smiles continue to enlighten us about the connection of all life. This excerpt from The Heart Sutra: the Fullness of Emptiness by Thich Nhat Hanh expresses so beautifully what he learned from communicating with a leaf.
Read More… In the late 1970s, students taking my beginning classes on animal communication urged me to write a book on the subject. The first edition of Animal Talk: A Guide to Communicating with and Understanding Animals was born. Getting it published to reach an interested audience was another story.
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