Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
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The Animal Communicator Blog

Tribute to the Great Owls

As Pepito and I were taking our afternoon walk on December 11, 2019, I was startled to see a Great Horned Owl sitting fluffed up on the gravel pile at one end of the driveway. He didn't move away though he watched us when we walked by about 20 feet from him to go into the yard.

When I asked the owl how he felt, I sensed his stomach aching and got the image of him eating a rat that had ingested poison. Later when Pepito barked at the front of the house and cactus wrens were scolding loudly, I went out to see the owl next to the house. He flew low to a nearby bush. I sent him healing energy and hoped he’d recover.

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Day-to-Day Communication with Animals

People have often asked me about what my daily life communication with animals is like. I’ll answer some of their varied questions.

Do you talk aloud to your animal family or is it always silent telepathic communication?

How do you connect with your animal family members to get their attention and start communicating?

How do they show they understand?

Are you constantly talking or listening to your animal family?

Do you always understand your animals? What happens if you make mistakes interpreting your animal friends’ communications or miss things they are communicating?

Do other animals around you or from long distances contact you and communicate with you often? Is it like a cacophony of communication coming from all directions or can you turn it off or decide when and who to hear?

Does your telepathic communication help relationships between animal family members?

What do animals think about all the time?

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Factory Farming and Our Dogs and Cats

Val Nuttall posed a question: You recommend feeding a raw diet to a dog or cat. What about the animals who have endured suffering and abuse in factory farming or is it just cats, dogs, horses you are concerned with?

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Slo Mo

The June ad said there were over 100 Sonoran Desert tortoises needing homes. I had heard about the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s tortoise adoption program before but I was not eager to fulfill the extensive and meticulous requirements for a desert tortoise habitat and care. This summer, it did not seem so daunting, and I really wanted to give a non-releasable desert tortoise a home and welcome a member of this ancient species to our family.

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The Harrowing Ordeal of a Mom and Cub Grizzly Bear

On May 28, 2019, Deidre Bainbridge asked me to help a grizzly bear in danger. She wrote:
This five-year-old first-time mom grizzly bear, #863, (called Felicia) is using the highway to protect her remaining cub from a boar bear who may have killed one of her cubs on May 14. She is a "roadside" bear; one reason is to be closer to humans where boar bears are less likely to approach.
I am praying you will communicate with her that the she can receive the same protection from other bears 50-100 feet away from the road because the roadway itself is dangerous for her cub and her own safety.

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Learning from Trees

People often approach animals, plants, mountains, rivers… as things that are separate and foreign to them. They may focus only on their human perspective or their personal thoughts and emotions about other life forms.

Communicating with other species, honoring their intelligence and spiritual nature, can bring us broader perspectives on life, more understanding, and peace. Here’s an example of how communicating with a tree became a spiritually enriching experience. It started with a Facebook message to me.

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The Baby Quail Who Was Left Behind

Because of using my ability to communicate with animals, I am now godmother to a baby quail. Here’s how it happened.

A quail decided to lay her eggs in my large cherry tomato planter where the climbing vines provide shelter and moisture. I had also erected a sun shade tent around the plant supports to shield the tomatoes from being scorched by our searing summer desert sun. A perfect place to have a nest.

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Why the Rattlesnake Returned

It is such a blessing to grow and learn and feel the assistance of other species when you communicate with and understand them. Communication experiences can start on one level of understanding and then deepen and broaden to intimately include other areas of life that at first you didn’t see.

In my last post, I talked about snakes I had recently come across on my land, especially the encounter I had helping a rattlesnake who was caught in deer fence netting. Well, that was not to be my only encounter with this rattlesnake.

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Living and Communicating with Wild Animals

People have asked me what it’s like to be able to communicate with wild animals in day-to-day living. What do they tell me? Do they understand my thoughts? Am I bombarded with messages? How does communicating with them influence how we live together?

Telepathic communication with wild animals happens in a very natural, organic flow that enhances my interaction with these wonderful beings. Let me give you a few very recent examples.

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I just read your blog about plants. I cherish plants especially for their flowers, amazing colors and scents. I am currently volunteering in Greece and France and some farm posts want me to "garden" but they mean usually tearing out the “weeds." I don't believe in “weeds.” Every plant has total value in my eyes. I don't want to rip anything out. Robert Shapiro's magnificent book, Plant Souls Speak, is the most loving and aware book on plants I've ever seen. But what would you say to people who believe in weeds and the desire to be rid of them?

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Plants Love

In 1973, the best selling book, The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christoper Bird showed how plants feel and respond to human stimuli and care, exploring plants’ ability to communicate with humans, their responses to music, and other aspects of their awareness and creative power. Like telepathic communication with animals, publicized in the 70s by several pioneer animal communicators including myself, much of this evidence was rejected by the mainstream scientific community and those who looked at animals and plants as non-sentient.

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Your Healing Impact on the Earth

At this time, we are sharply aware of how human impacts on the Earth are creating vast ecological changes that are damaging many species including our own. We are also witnessing many ways humans are using their creative powers to contribute to the flow of health, life, and healing on the Earth for all species.

We can be instrumental as a healing force in unique ways. I was reminded of this when I read an interview I did with Dawn Baumann Brunke years ago.

I was asked to help with a problem concerning jaguars coming too close to a village in Costa Rica.

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Insect Evolutionary Perspective

Animal communicator, Sandra Mendelson, wrote to me:

Given your wonderful piece from your conversation with viruses, I thought I'd ask your opinion on this:

Today when I was asking the mosquitoes to stop biting me (and inviting them to share more insights that they wanted me to pass along to humans), I got this:

"You humans have misconstrued our intent since time began….

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Do Leprechauns and Nature Spirits Really Exist?

Throughout history, people have had awareness and relationships with unseen spirits in parallel realms to the physical world. There is a vast reality existing beyond the five senses in the many dimensions of the spiritual realm.

Those who have a close association with nature may perceive spirits around the plants or other natural areas. They have been called fairies, nature spirits, devas, sprites, or other hidden folk.

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Does Caring Mean We Have To Hurt?

I often hear from people who love animals and wonder what to do when they witness animal suffering on social media or experience it in their lives. They may get very upset and be disturbed or depressed for a long time. How can sensitive people who care about animals protect themselves from cruelty that feels overwhelming?

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The Cat Who Would Be Free

When two-month-old orange tabby, Jerry, and his sister, Lila were in a carrier on their way home in November 2010, they meowed loudly and reached through the wire door. Lila remonstrated, “You can’t keep us in here. Who do you think you are to put us in this cage?” Explaining why calmed them a little. Release inside their new home delighted them.
2 kittens orange tabby and torbie
Freedom was to be Jerry’s theme song.

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