Improving your telepathic communication with animals enhances your relationship with all of life. It is a spiritual journey that requires the discipline of digging in to practice. By validating your own native ability to telepathically communicate with your fellow animal friends, you also honor the intelligence, willingness, and understanding of the animals you communicate with.
The animals of the Earth are ready and willing to communicate with you. Are you willing to take the steps you need to get to the same place with them?
In that light, here’s a question asked about communicating with groups of animals…
Read More… Each animal is an individual. You can communicate with them about their lives, desires, thoughts, feelings, and about anything you don’t understand about them or any problem you are having with them.
Sometimes, people have challenges with groups of animals.That may require a different approach than communicating with only one individual.
Read More… For a long time in western society, animals were regarded by many people as automatons with little or no ability to feel, think, decide, or be self aware.
Plants have been denigrated in the same way as non-feeling, unconscious objects.
It is now more extensively acknowledged that plants, too, are conscious, feeling, and thinking, like humans, but expressed uniquely in their different forms. It’s taking humans awhile to be aware of plant sentience and intelligence, just as it did with animals.
Read More… November 29, 2020 Filed in:
Animal AwarenessWe just came home to find our cat had captured a chipmunk and was torturing her until I got hold of her and returned her outside. Can you please tell us why cats appear to want the pain of capturing and eating a fellow animal to linger? Why do they "play" with the creature? It looks so cruel to us. How does the cat consciousness explain this?
Read More… It seems possible, if not probable, that this virus form was created in a lab as part of "gain of function" research. If so, what can the viruses share about our human intervention in their own natural mutation process. How do they view our genetic lab work? I must admit I have less faith in humans than the viruses in this regard! Thanks in advance for sharing any communication that you might be able to receive! Dave Carman
Read More… Have you ever had the feeling when you’ve just met someone who you instantly and deeply connect with that you’ve known them for eons and lived many lives together? That’s how I feel about my friends, the giant redwood trees, especially the elders.
Read More… November 01, 2020 Filed in:
Music/PoetryHonoring my dog companion, Belinda’s passage into spirit November 1, 2018
I hear the breathing
I feel the pulsing
All around.
Some say no one is listening
To our prayers
Our desires
For peace, freedom, love
Read More… With a raging forest fire about to overtake my home on Inverness Ridge next to Point Reyes National Seashore on the California coast north of San Francisco, I cried as I drove down our steep mountain road.
It was just before the winter rainy season began. Back then, they didn’t call it fire season. Now, as the climate gets hotter and drier, what is called fire season in California is considerably extended.
The following account of the fire experience is an edited version of the article I wrote for January 1996 Species Link Journal.
Read More… September 24, 2020 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesReaders asked me about the stranding of about 500 pilot whales that happened a few days ago on the Tasmanian coast. One person asked if the whales could be guided back to the sea and if they are beaching on purpose?
I connected with the whales and asked the oversoul/pilot whale leader about the cause of the stranding.
Read More… September 18, 2020 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesMy name is Mohana, and I'm from India. I've been an avid reader of your blog for years now.
I recently read an article about how killer whales/orcas have been carrying out what seem to be planned attacks on boats for the last few months.
I'm curious to know about why they're doing this. Your articles about whales and dolphins being wisdom bearers only makes me all the more curious. Why are these gentle giants attacking now? I do understand that there's only so long they will take what we as a species put them through without fighting back. But, why now? What changed?
Read More… The Real Wild Documentary about the work of South African animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, is exquisitely produced to demonstrate the power and foundation of animal communication. Anna has found, as I have in my lifetime of work in the field, that people transform and emotionally heal when they connect and rediscover how to communicate with animals. She dedicates her work to awakening the power of animal communication in all humans to heal the Nature separation humanity is suffering that negatively affects our whole world.
Read More… Earthfire Institute Wildlife Sanctuary is a very special place. Over the years, I have communicated with many individuals of various species and taught retreats there.
On a visit in September 2019, I took part in a film highlighting the mission of Earthfire. Part of the film, an interview with Earthfire executive director, Susan Eirich, featured the work I did that day with three recently rescued coyotes with traumatic backgrounds and serious challenges. It was very moving and enlightening to work with them. I describe it all in this podcast.
In line with this theme, I received a communication from Coyote (chief or Oversoul) years ago. I was thrilled to find it again and share it with you here.
Read More… Coming from Hong Kong, people are in such deep fear of the coronavirus (coupled with anger over the irresponsible actions of the government) that the vibrant city has kind of spiraled into a nightmare. Would you be willing (I’m not sure if viruses count as animals though I believe they have a spirit too) to communicate with the coronavirus and let us know what it wants us to know?
Read More… January 17, 2020 Filed in:
Animal Ecological MessagesI am really struggling with what is happening to our magnificent country, our wildlife and environment. What do you think the message is with all the heartbreak and devastation that is happening with the Australian bush fires? Your feedback is greatly appreciated as my heart breaks to witness this. Bianca Parkyn
When I scanned over the burned Australian land and wondered what species or spirit of nature would come forth to answer this question, a presence began to speak, identifying as The Spirit of the Land:
Read More… January 06, 2020 Filed in:
Music/PoetryToday on Epiphany (January 6) I have reached the destination of a long light-filled journey! I am so excited to have a special audio project ready to roll. It’s been a long time coming.
During my life, I have written many poems and songs, starting with a poem about the sunset when I was 8 years old. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, chants began to come through that I sang with my students in animal communication courses and shamanic retreats. They were instrumental in deepening students’ opening to telepathic connection with animals and all of life, helping to ease through the hard parts, smooth rough edges, and expand realizations. The lyrics and melodies arose out of dolphin/whale journeys, shamanic ceremonies, contemplative moments, and during dreams.
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