Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
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The Animal Communicator Blog

Who is Listening?

Honoring my dog companion, Belinda’s passage into spirit November 1, 2018

I hear the breathing
I feel the pulsing
All around.

Some say no one is listening
To our prayers
Our desires
For peace, freedom, love

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Chants for the Journey Home

Today on Epiphany (January 6) I have reached the destination of a long light-filled journey! I am so excited to have a special audio project ready to roll. It’s been a long time coming.

During my life, I have written many poems and songs, starting with a poem about the sunset when I was 8 years old. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, chants began to come through that I sang with my students in animal communication courses and shamanic retreats. They were instrumental in deepening students’ opening to telepathic connection with animals and all of life, helping to ease through the hard parts, smooth rough edges, and expand realizations. The lyrics and melodies arose out of dolphin/whale journeys, shamanic ceremonies, contemplative moments, and during dreams.

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