Animal Communication Adventures
August 22, 2024
Living in the Sonoran Desert north of Phoenix, Arizona, wild animals surround me. I am blessed to interact with them daily. There are a multitude of lizards and snakes. While I respect and appreciate their meditative, ancient, wise presence, I carefully watch for rattlesnakes. I don’t want to startle them and put myself or my dog in danger as we walk our land. They usually stay far away from the house in the wilder areas where Pepito and I don’t walk together.
Read More… June 11, 2024
At a 1993 course in Massachusetts, an owl visited our group of animal communication students. She came from “Animals as Intermediaries” whose animal residents could not return to the wild after injury or human habituation. They were willing teachers in human education and therapy programs.
Read More… May 18, 2024
The ability to communicate with animals may begin with creatures you are comfortable with, such as cats and dogs. In my courses, I have loved to help people stretch their boundaries and become curious about animals outside their comfort zone to gain revelations and experience insightful breakthroughs. It is a very useful exercise to shift feelings about animals, especially those people are afraid of or even hate.
Read More… April 08, 2024
I’ve taken many spirit-inspired journeys, traveling and camping with animal companions and communicating with trees, mountains, rivers, wild animals, and other elements of the land to help me on my way. When I moved from California to Arizona in 2006, I made many pilgrimages to places in the Western United States. Here is the story of one of those magical journeys.
Read More… January 24, 2024
Laura Kilmer wrote to me just before Christmas 2023. She has practiced animal communication for four years and graduated from a program to become a professional animal communicator in August 2023. She had a question she couldn’t find an answer for.
Is it possible for humans to sense/know that their dog (or any other being) will be having a seizure soon?
Read More… November 16, 2023
My former dog, Belinda, touchingly greeted human friends. She would delicately place her nose near their lips, sniffing lightly, and then touch her nose to the center of their forehead, the third eye. She then paused for them to get her message that they should bend their head toward her so she could touch the crown. It was her special blessing and Namaste greeting.
My longhaired Chihuahua came to me at winter solstice 2018 from the same Small Dog Rescue that rescued Belinda.
Read More… November 03, 2023
In early October, I visited a friend in Flagstaff, Arizona, 125 miles from my home north of Phoenix. Afterward, I decided to continue to the Grand Canyon since it was only 80 miles further, and I hadn’t been there in years. Gazing into the canyon from the rim above is always awe-inspiring, expanding, and revitalizing.
Read More… December 28, 2022
A sentinel and testament to our planetary state, she labors on, providing a stream of awakening consciousness and compassion to all.
Read More… December 12, 2022
The ocean journey was particularly rough as we sailed from our dock at Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic to our anchoring spot in the sheltered coral reef area that thousands of humpback whales frequent each year for breeding and nursing new babies. The high waves crashed heavily against our metal hulled vessel, pitching us mercilessly on a wild roller coaster ride as we moved at the fast clip necessary to safely navigate the ocean in that area. Three hours later, as we neared our destination, I was desperately wishing for the choppiness to stop, so that my nausea would subside. I then planned to rest a bit and surface from my cabin refuge with some semblance of composure to see how everyone else was doing. My rational vision turned out to be one of those best laid plans that go awry.
Read More… October 18, 2021
All of us who are close to animals and love and honor them as fellow beings may have encounters with our domestic and wild animal friends that are downright mystical.
Soul to soul connections go beyond whatever bodily form we happen to be animating. Souls and energy fields can merge ecstatically or in profound peace, and joy.
Having always recognized animals, plants, mountains, soil, and all other forms as soul-filled, just like me, mystical connections with them have showered me with blessings throughout my life. Here are a few recent experiences.
May they spark your own memories of deep interspecies connections and encourage you to make more space and time for them to occur in your life.
Read More… July 25, 2021
I live in the Sonoran Desert in a rural area north of Phoenix, Arizona on beautiful land surrounded by mountains and filled with an amazing array of wild animals.
Summer brings Monsoon, when a shift in wind direction from dry westerly to moist southerly winds brings a season punctuated by big winds, lightning and thunder storms and flash floods. The last two summers have been excruciating dry, a drought exacerbated by very little rain last winter. We hoped for a good rainy season this summer.
The first big rain of the monsoon brought a surprise to my door.
Read More… May 03, 2021
I was revamping the garden of my Sonoran desert tortoise, Mo, shifting blocks in the retaining wall and putting in a few large planter boxes. Mo was trundling around, munching on grass and exploring, when he suddenly made a beeline to one of the large planters I had on its side as I was cleaning it.
He plodded around my feet and proceeded to climb into the planter. I picked him up and put him back on the ground to finish cleaning. He climbed back in. We repeated the scenario a few times with me laughing at Mo’s persistence and vaguely, in the background, puzzling about his unusual behavior as I stayed focused on my garden work.
Read More… October 03, 2020
With a raging forest fire about to overtake my home on Inverness Ridge next to Point Reyes National Seashore on the California coast north of San Francisco, I cried as I drove down our steep mountain road.
It was just before the winter rainy season began. Back then, they didn’t call it fire season. Now, as the climate gets hotter and drier, what is called fire season in California is considerably extended.
The following account of the fire experience is an edited version of the article I wrote for January 1996 Species Link Journal.
Read More… May 25, 2020
It’s high snake season here in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Recently, for the first time on the same day, I saw a king snake and then a gopher snake in my garden. Both are non-venomous. King snakes attack and eat rattlesnakes and gopher snakes compete with rattlesnakes for food and territory, so they are considered signs that you’re not likely to have rattlesnakes around.
The next day, I went out just before sunset to check what was happening with unusually loud noises from a vehicle nearby. When I stepped outside on the back porch, another sound near the cat enclosure diverted my attention. About 10 feet away, curled up in striking position, was a 2.5 foot-long Western diamondback rattlesnake completely focused on one of my cats, Lila, who was sitting in the cat enclosure looking at the rattlesnake.
Read More… February 13, 2020
Earthfire Institute Wildlife Sanctuary is a very special place. Over the years, I have communicated with many individuals of various species and taught retreats there.
On a visit in September 2019, I took part in a film highlighting the mission of Earthfire. Part of the film, an interview with Earthfire executive director, Susan Eirich, featured the work I did that day with three recently rescued coyotes with traumatic backgrounds and serious challenges. It was very moving and enlightening to work with them. I describe it all in this podcast.
In line with this theme, I received a communication from Coyote (chief or Oversoul) years ago. I was thrilled to find it again and share it with you here.
Read More… December 16, 2019
As Pepito and I were taking our afternoon walk on December 11, 2019, I was startled to see a Great Horned Owl sitting fluffed up on the gravel pile at one end of the driveway. He didn't move away though he watched us when we walked by about 20 feet from him to go into the yard.
When I asked the owl how he felt, I sensed his stomach aching and got the image of him eating a rat that had ingested poison. Later when Pepito barked at the front of the house and cactus wrens were scolding loudly, I went out to see the owl next to the house. He flew low to a nearby bush. I sent him healing energy and hoped he’d recover.
Read More… September 21, 2019
The June ad said there were over 100 Sonoran Desert tortoises needing homes. I had heard about the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s tortoise adoption program before but I was not eager to fulfill the extensive and meticulous requirements for a desert tortoise habitat and care. This summer, it did not seem so daunting, and I really wanted to give a non-releasable desert tortoise a home and welcome a member of this ancient species to our family.
Read More… August 25, 2019
On May 28, 2019, Deidre Bainbridge asked me to help a grizzly bear in danger. She wrote:
This five-year-old first-time mom grizzly bear, #863, (called Felicia) is using the highway to protect her remaining cub from a boar bear who may have killed one of her cubs on May 14. She is a "roadside" bear; one reason is to be closer to humans where boar bears are less likely to approach.
I am praying you will communicate with her that the she can receive the same protection from other bears 50-100 feet away from the road because the roadway itself is dangerous for her cub and her own safety.
Read More… July 28, 2019
Because of using my ability to communicate with animals, I am now godmother to a baby quail. Here’s how it happened.
A quail decided to lay her eggs in my large cherry tomato planter where the climbing vines provide shelter and moisture. I had also erected a sun shade tent around the plant supports to shield the tomatoes from being scorched by our searing summer desert sun. A perfect place to have a nest.
Read More… July 14, 2019
It is such a blessing to grow and learn and feel the assistance of other species when you communicate with and understand them. Communication experiences can start on one level of understanding and then deepen and broaden to intimately include other areas of life that at first you didn’t see.
In my last post, I talked about snakes I had recently come across on my land, especially the encounter I had helping a rattlesnake who was caught in deer fence netting. Well, that was not to be my only encounter with this rattlesnake.
Read More… June 30, 2019
People have asked me what it’s like to be able to communicate with wild animals in day-to-day living. What do they tell me? Do they understand my thoughts? Am I bombarded with messages? How does communicating with them influence how we live together?
Telepathic communication with wild animals happens in a very natural, organic flow that enhances my interaction with these wonderful beings. Let me give you a few very recent examples.
Read More… May 20, 2019
At this time, we are sharply aware of how human impacts on the Earth are creating vast ecological changes that are damaging many species including our own. We are also witnessing many ways humans are using their creative powers to contribute to the flow of health, life, and healing on the Earth for all species.
We can be instrumental as a healing force in unique ways. I was reminded of this when I read an interview I did with Dawn Baumann Brunke years ago.
I was asked to help with a problem concerning jaguars coming too close to a village in Costa Rica.
Read More… January 11, 2019
When two-month-old orange tabby, Jerry, and his sister, Lila were in a carrier on their way home in November 2010, they meowed loudly and reached through the wire door. Lila remonstrated, “You can’t keep us in here. Who do you think you are to put us in this cage?” Explaining why calmed them a little. Release inside their new home delighted them.

Freedom was to be Jerry’s theme song.
Read More… December 31, 2018
He came presaged by visions, signs, synchronicities, and messages like many animal companions before him. Guidance mysterious yet clear, laced with wondering and excitement.
A few years ago, while my beloved dog Belinda was still alive, I started to have visions of my next dog - a small dog with fringes of hair on ears, tail, and down the sides like a Papillon or Pomeranian mix.
Read More… January 28, 2018
Communicating with animals telepathically is a very useful skill to re-discover and develop. It doesn’t solve all problems we may have with our animal companions, but it sure does help a lot. It’s a handy tool to have as a natural part of daily life.
People who are new to animal communication often assume that if you can telepathically communicate with animals, they will be obedient and do what you want. That’s like saying if you and I can communicate and understand each other, you will do what I want. It doesn’t work that way with human animals, and it doesn’t work that way with other animals, either.
Read More… January 22, 2018
I’ve had many adventures in communicating with animals throughout my life. Some of the most exciting adventures have been when I am moved to adopt a new animal companion. These times are filled with compelling spiritual guidance, evolving communication with the new animal friends even before they arrive, mystical signs, revelation of mutual purpose and support, and pure delight.
I am celebrating the arrival on January 22, 2004 of my dear Belinda - one of the most special canine companions of my life.
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