The Mission of a Whale Called Moon
A sentinel and testament to our planetary state, she labors on, providing a stream of awakening consciousness and compassion to all.
You may have read a news report about the tragic situation of a humpback whale named Moon who just swam what is likely to be her last 3000-mile migration using only the propulsion of her pectoral fins. A ship struck her body and broke her spine, immobilizing her tail. Imagine a human swimming with arms alone for many miles, barring the use of badly injured legs.
Animals, including humans, disabled by injury or illness usually do their best to carry on with their lives, moving along somehow to cope. Moon does not feel sorry for herself or focus much on her pain. She communicates that she has become accustomed to her physical distortion and is almost anesthetized to the pain since her lower body exists in a semi-paralyzed state.
Whales are our evolutionary leaders, existing in a higher state of consciousness than most humans attain while alive. Her purpose is to stream out love and compassion for all life, helping others evolve on their spiritual journeys as they travel through life. She knows that her struggle touches the hearts of many and desires to help humans alter their actions in consideration of the effects on whales and all the other living beings in the ocean. Her broken condition highlights the disconnected awareness of much of humanity as we reap destruction on all of Nature, including our species.
Moon’s life force is waning. Observers have seen sharks following her. A whale companion compassionately accompanies her on the last part of her earthly life.
Tuning into her weakened physical condition and still radiant spirit, may we feel moved to act to support her in ways that uplift all whales and fellow creatures of Earth.
May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings be at peace and live in harmony on our beautiful planet.
All healing energy directed to her will strengthen her mission of raising awareness and love, why she is here, and why we are all here. Unite in her wisdom and consciousness.