Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
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The Animal Communicator Blog

How to Connect with the Animals Around You

I am hoping you would address how to follow your program for someone who does not have an animal helper/partner.

I am about halfway through your book,
Animal Talk, and it has struck me that my current situation is my biggest stumbling block. Due to life events since the 2008 financial crash, I no longer have animal companions. The condo complex I live in in San Diego County, California, borders a golf course. I am blessed to have a unit that overlooks the course and the local wildlife here is quite diverse: hummingbirds on up to red-tailed hawks, ducks and egrets, rabbits, lizards, even the occasional coyote.

While I have birds nest on my deck, none of the wildlife takes time to commune with me, not even the spiders who show up inside and on my deck. Nesting obviously is seasonal and I’m going to assume the parents are a bit too distracted with the nest to be proper candidates, regardless of their close proximity at those times that my presence doesn’t cause them to abandon the nest. While San Diego does have the zoo and safari park, Birch aquarium, and the various local Humane Society facilities, I’m not sure those would be useful resources.

So, again, I would appreciate your input on how I might best move forward in applying your recommended steps given a lack of actual live-in and/or eligible/agreeable/receptive participants.

It sounds like you have a wealth of opportunity to communicate with a variety of animals near your home and you just don’t know how to access the connection to begin your communication adventures. Don’t discount the animals at the zoos, aquariums, and other facilities, too. They often welcome a chance to communicate with someone who recognizes them as fellow spiritual beings and treats them as intelligent, wise teachers.

To help you start, I offer the pointers to enhance animal communication that I have in
Animal Talk and in my Basic Course audio set. I will add specific comments for your situation.

to Enhance Interspecies Telepathic Communication

1. More than any other factor, your attitude toward animals influences how receptive you are to their communication and how willing they are to communicate to you.

Respect and revere animals as fellow beings - different in physical form than you but of the same spiritual essence and potential. If you approach animals with condescension, thinking they are inferior in intelligence, awareness, or substandard in any way, you limit your ability to perceive and understand them as they truly are. As you increasingly see and treat them as fellow intelligent beings, you allow them to express themselves more deeply and fully to you, and your relationship develops, matures, elevates, and expands.

Focusing only on the biological aspect of an animal, while fascinating and wondrous in itself, can place you in the ruts of conventional notions and inhibit true seeing of the spiritual essence and wisdom behind the physical form. Admiring an animal's spiritual qualities, such as sincerity, trust, love, devotion, appreciation, loyalty, empathy, kindness, honor, honesty, patience, integrity, humility, joy, unselfishness, wisdom... will help to transform your whole relationship, enhancing the two-way communication and understanding between you.

Be humble and receptive, and allow animals to teach you.

Drop your assumptions that animals around you are too busy to communicate with you or aren’t receptive or agreeable to communicate.

Start by sitting quietly where you can see an animal or animals. Let yourself get quiet and set aside any preconceived ideas about the animals.

With your eyes open or closed,
feel your connection with them through your feet on the ground. Your living, breathing energy is connected to their living energy through connection to the Earth.

An animal does not have to stare at you or stay in one spot to be connected or to communicate. Feel your link with them and their link with you.

People sitting on ground communicating with sheep and cow

Stay present to them and open to their physical, emotional, and spiritual nature. Then you will feel the animal’s willingness to communicate with you and you can open to what they are feeling and listen to their response to anything you may want to ask of them.

Take your time. There is no rush. Set up your foundation of a quiet, meditative presence that mirrors the nature of your fellow animals and attracts their interest in connecting with you.

You mention spiders and lizards. I’ve found these wonderful beings very receptive to connecting, listening, and communicating and sharing their wise perspectives. All of the other animals you mention are also great candidates.

Remember, they don’t have to stay in your view and look at you while you are communicating. Feel your continued connection even if they move around or out of sight. Write down what you feel and hear and the images or other sensations you receive from them.

When you take the time to be still with the intention to commune with animals, they will feel it and connect with you. Just don’t expect them to behave in a certain way while they connect and communicate with you, such as humans act when they talk to each other.

2. Believe in your own intuitive ability to give and receive telepathic communication. Don't invalidate your perception of impressions, images, or messages in any form.

It takes a leap in your own willingness to believe you can telepathically communicate with animals. You are born with the ability and you can regain it through your intention to open to it anew.

3. Be ready, receptive, mentally quiet and alert. If your mind is busy, full of thoughts and background static, you can't listen and receive. To get to this state may take considerable practice and changes in lifestyle. Avoid substances and environmental conditions that dull the mind or make it too agitated. Adopt habits that reduce stress and increase calmness, like balanced food, exercise and rest, yoga, meditation, spending quiet time with your animal friends and out in nature.

Cultivate flexibility - willingness to learn from all beings and to change your ideas. Watch for judgments and preconceptions that limit receptivity to what the animal is really communicating.

Be open to surprises - the unexpected. Let go of conventional notions of human/animal communication. Be ready for animals to communicate, and question them on any level - from what food they like, to what they can teach you to improve your life, to what they consider the most profound truths.

Let this be a fresh experience for you each time without expectations about what communication with any animal should look or feel like.

5. Be emotionally peaceful. Having an emotional investment in what animals say to you or how they should be can influence what you receive. If you require that animals like you or be affectionate before you can communicate with them, this can disturb them, block their true feelings or ideas or cloud your receptiveness to them.

In working with improving your two-way communication with animals, don't flood animals with emotion, whether it's love, fear, sadness or anger. If you are putting out strong emotion, you are generally not receptive to anything else, and you will get back only your own emotion or the animal's response to it.

Stay in the quiet, receptive mode of communion, connection, presence. It’s the foundation for true listening and two-way communication. Animals can relax in quiet presence and are often drawn to people in that mode.

6. Be alert and calm. Don't force the communication or try too hard. Notice your body posture and tension - leaning forward over the animal, straining forehead or facial muscles, breathing shallowly, tightening hands, manipulating or controlling the animal. Shift into the receptive mode. Lean back, open chest and hands, breathe slowly and deeply, relax, and listen.

Let communication assume its own form, whether it is feelings, images, impressions, thoughts, verbal messages, sounds, other sensations, or simply knowing. Get familiar with how you receive, so you recognize it and let it and other avenues open up.

Let the sense of meaning unfold by itself. Don't analyze, evaluate or criticize. Remain innocent and nonjudgmental. Accept what you get, and acknowledge the communication. If in doubt, relax, and ask again, but don't keep doubting and refusing to accept a communication impression, or you build your own walls.

Be willing to take risks - don't be afraid to acknowledge whatever communication you get. Don't worry about what other people will think or even what you will think!

Practice with a wide variety of animals in various situations. Step back from your normal routine and expectations, and be willing to learn and discover.

Have fun!

I hope this helps to get you started in connecting and communicating with the myriad of animal friends who are all around you. Happy communication adventures!

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