The four new members of our chicken family, Gandalf, Tatiana, Cassandra, and Georgia, graduated from living in the garage. (See my June 12 blog for news of their arrival.) They were ready to move to their outdoor pen in the big chicken run when they were one month old on July 6.
They took little time to adjust to their outdoor enclosure after I set their carrier on the ground and opened it. Exploring everything with zest, they quickly found and began scratching the wet spot under their water hose trickle and puddle cooling spot. The other chickens love drinking from and playing in puddles. I’m glad the little chicks quickly took to the practice for their comfort and survival in our desert summer heat.
Tatiana, Cassandra, Gandalf, Georgia (from left to right) on their first day outdoors on 6 July 22 Rooster! Gandalf, now a Silver Sebright and previously an Old English bantam rooster, had made it clear that he wanted to be a rooster again. His comb grew faster than the others, and he had an extra cocky stance in play, so he stood out early as a male.
Once Gandalf was outside, his rooster qualities became even more evident. Only one month old, he defended his flock when Silver, the adult rooster, many times Gandalf’s size, came over and pecked at a little hen through the chick pen wire. Gandalf went close and glared at Silver, taking a warrior stance.
Silver, adult Silkie rooster, watching the four chicks acclimatizing to their outside pen. Gandalf, young Silver Sebright rooster in foreground When Ooblie, an adult hen, came over and pecked at a chick, Gandalf catapulted into full action, leaping up towards her until she went away. She got the message that he was protecting his little flock. Mostly the big chickens just took the presence of the chicks in stride. After all, they all have lived together before and know each other.
Fun with New Bodies Tatiana was the first to fly to the highest perch. She is so thrilled to have a super strong flying body. Her previous form was a very tiny Serama frizzle hen. She was dainty and adorably cute, but her curly feathers prevented her from flying. She had specified that she wanted to have a small, pretty body again this life. The Quail Antwerp Belgian chick, looking like a small owl, fit the bill. Now Tatiana can have more fun athletically and is not likely to be at the bottom of the pecking order as she was before.
Cassandra is very calm as she was before when she lived to a grand age of fifteen years as matron of the flock, again being a Mille Fleur D’Uccle bantam. Georgia, previously a Rhode Island Red bantam and now an Ameraucana, is happy to be back after being away for three years. She is developing delicate white scalloped markings on her soft gray-colored body. All the chicks wanted to keep their previous names, as this new life is a continuum of their last in our family.
The first day they were outdoors, I went out every half hour to check on them. No problems. Just happy chickies exploring and enjoying life. When I saw how they flew up to their perches and roosted so nicely next to each other, I relaxed the next day on my vigilance. I still visit the chicken run more often than usual to keep tabs on them and because it is so much fun to be with all twelve members of the family flock.
The 4 chicks in the pen surrounded by 8 adult bantams in the chicken run (Ooblie, mentioned in the story, is the tall gold and black hen in the center background) Chicken Meditation Years ago, I did a lot of traveling to teach animal communication. When I returned from a trip, one of the things I would do to regroup and relax was to sit in the chicken run. The cheery presence of the chickens, their constant communication with each other, their beauty and soulfulness, and their fun antics provided just the meditative space I needed.
I loved being with all the other members of my animal family through the years—llamas, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. They all helped me to ground and feel peaceful. The gentle surround sound of happy chickens provided healing energy that seemed to weave all the loose threads of travel into a harmonious tapestry again.
When the chicks were five weeks old on the morning of July 11, I heard a familiar, though thinner and higher squeaky sound. To my amazement, Gandalf was crowing! My previous roosters crowed at 10-12 weeks, but never this early. Yes, he is declaring his choice as guardian of his flock. Gandalf’s crow is like it was in his previous incarnation, only tinier but very clear for his young age. He also has added an open, vibrant quality to his way of being with his new evolution.
I feel an enormous amount of light coming in around these returnees. They banded together with a clear mission. When they arrived, their positive energy helped me move through elements of my spiritual journey that needed a transformation booster.
Georgia, Cassandra, Gandalf, Tatiana healing team (from top to bottom right) 14 July 22 I was doing a long-distance healing energy session with a wildlife sanctuary bear suffering from advancing arthritis in his lower spine and hips. The group of four joined in and said they wanted to help, showing me an image of all four chicks standing on the bear’s back and transmitting energy through his spine. They said they’d work on him daily for as long as needed. What a great healing team!
I am so glad to have these four friends back again.