Can Telepathic Animal Communication Affect Present Time Animal Behavior?
From Species Link, The Voice of Experience Column, Issue 60, Autumn 2005
I would love to hear others' experiences of using animal communication to affect "present moment real time" behavior.
After communication sessions, I see dramatic and immediate behavior changes in client animals all the time. And yet, I can't telepathically say to my pony (who loves treats) "I have an apple for you; come get it!" and get any sort of response. Yet if I physically show him the apple, he stops grazing and trots right over.
I often hear communicators tell stories of communicating to an animal to "please sit, step, bark, or rear,” and the animal does so, so I know this does happen for some. Yet my animals have always made it clear to me that this telepathic and sensory language we all use is not for doing tricks or commanding the animals, and I shouldn't waste my time trying. I'm fine with that, but do wonder why I can't think, "Grain is in the buckets; come get it," and have any effect. Yet if I do my usual morning yodel, the herd comes galloping. Calloway McCloud
Shirley Scott I went into a meditation about your question because there are times my animals do the same thing. I was informed by my animals and spirit guides that they love the extra attention of my actions to get them to come to me or do something I have asked them to do telepathically. They understand the pictures and telepathic message that I send them but they also like to hear my voice and the love that is in it.
Just to think "dinner is ready" is not enough to get them into the house. But to sing, "Come and get your dinner, sweeties," gets them in very quickly and they meow a loving "thank you" back. My animals do come or sit or move many times when I ask them telepathically, but there are some times they just love to be pampered. It makes them feel special and they are teaching us how special we are to them as well.
Animals are here to teach us many lessons. One of them is that everything on this Earth has "free will" to do what it wants or needs to do. However they also teach us that everything loves to be nurtured with words or sounds. Animals communicate with other animals through telepathy but they also make sounds. When animals hear our voices, they can tell so much about our mood, energy, and emotion.
Know that the herd is probably getting your thought of "grain is in the buckets" but they would rather hear the love in your voice.

Leta Worthington I've always noticed that these types of communications seem to happen most easily when I don't try too hard. As a thought is forming in my mind it's as if the vibrations of that formation affect the animal in my vicinity as well, and they see the thought almost exactly when I do or perhaps a fraction of a second afterward. This type of wavelength or electrical connection is discussed in the book, The Tao of Equus. When standing with my horses, I’ve felt a "spook" reaction from them to something in the environment before I can see anything that might cause it.
When I have tried consciously to telepathically direct an animal who is in my presence where I can gauge their reaction, results have been inconsistent. Sometimes it works very well and sometimes they don't seem to hear me at all. If I feel vested in any way in their "getting it," this seems to interfere with the transmission.
My favorite time this did work for me was long before I was practicing animal communication. My young Arab horse was going to a friend's ranch for the summer. I had been telling him about it, saying he was going to "summer camp." The day arrived and my friend came to pick him up. Not having ridden in a trailer often, my horse was being stubborn about loading. I stood back about thirty feet behind him, so he wouldn't be focusing on me.
The experienced horse hauler was getting impatient and my horse was getting more resistant. I finally flashed to him that this was the day and the way he was going to "camp," and if he didn't get in the trailer he wouldn't get to go do all those things I had showed him. His ears turned back toward me, so I knew he was listening. I could feel a big "Oh!" going off in his head and in the next moment he literally jumped in the trailer!
Georgina Cyr My clients also tell me that they often see an immediate change in behavior as soon as I have connected with and “talked” to their animal friends, just as you have experienced.
When I connect with animals to request that they “do” something, I help the animals to understand how the request will benefit them and their human guardian to create more harmony in their relationship or to assist with a health concern.
It is important to most animals that the request is not to order them around or to see if they will do whatever is asked of them for no valuable reason. So when I ask animals for their cooperation, and especially when communicating with my own animals, I make sure that my focus is always to assist everyone in the situation without judgment. The animals understand this, and usually comply willingly and happily, even my own, especially if I give them a glimpse of the benefits of the outcome.
My mission statement is to allow the person or animal to evolve and grow in his or her own process wherever they may be within it with total acceptance and love and without judgment or opinion. Life is a journey and we are each learning who we are and why we are here as we evolve in our own spiritual process. When I start a communication with an animal coming from this point of view, they are usually very eager to connect and respond in a positive way.
Nedda Wittels My Siamese cat, Violet, loves to retrieve toys, especially when I am lying on my bed reading. Violet is willing to jump down on the floor after she bats the toy back at me and misses, but then she may have trouble finding where it landed. Saying "over there" while pointing, or showing her a picture of the laundry basket with the toy in it has never helped her find it. What works best is for me to merge into Violet's body and then imagine turning my/her head in the appropriate direction or even imagining my/her body jumping into the basket.
The most effective telepathic communication sometimes requires multiple sensations in combination. To get your horse to come for an apple, I would connect with him telepathically and send sensations of smelling, biting, tasting and chewing the apple. Combine this with mentally sending the word "apple" or "treat" to help him learn that this means you are offering some to him.
Joan Fox-I have always found it fascinating that client animals ALWAYS hear, react and comply better than my own. For years I have referred to it as the “Husband/Kid Syndrome.” You can ask your husband or kids to take out the trash or come to the dinner table, but that doesn’t guarantee that it will be done in the near future, if ever. Yet the humans attached to client animals are always amazed with the results of a communication and often immediate change in behavior.
I also find it interesting that when the communication is reversed, and I am on the receiving end telepathically, there does not appear to be the same problem. I can be up the hill or in the back room of the house totally engrossed in vacuuming and hear, “You forgot my fly mask.” Or, “You didn’t turn the barn radio on.” “There’s a guy in a truck down here at the barn.”
I have even been awakened out of a deep sleep in the middle of the night with, “Chief got out of his stall and is wandering the property.” The intent of the conversation is not concern for Chief, but jealousy that they aren’t at liberty also.
When our alpha mare died suddenly and unexpectedly, I held a barn meeting to discuss who wanted to take her place. For safety’s sake, I did not want a stampede leaving the pasture when I opened the gate. No one really wanted the job, although there were a couple of comments on whom they didn’t want to have it.
Then my horse, Patience said, “I vote for Dartha.” Dartha is the barn cat! To my disbelief, it was unanimous and she was immediately dubbed Barn Queen. She herds the horses, warns them of danger, keeps order and will run up to the house to inform on them if need be. Now, when I really need the bunny, dog, or horses to listen up, I ask Dartha to relay the message and get excellent results.
Patti Henningsen I have made many bargains with the animals in my life. I have taught my dog to do many things just by asking him one time to do something or learn a new behavior. Although there are plenty of strong willed animals who just want to buck “authority,” you can create energy in your living space and life that acknowledges the animals as equals. Then they will respond if there is a tangible reward for the request.
Animal behavior scientists also give rewards for behavior but we are communicating our requests telepathically. The behaviorists assume the animal can’t hear their thoughts. A telepathically offered reward communicated in the same manner as B.F. Skinner devotees has a bit of added dimensionality.
First there is trust. Will the reward actually be delivered as promised and is it something the animal is interested in? If not why should they be? Can you think of a good reason? Then let the animal know.
I have told clients’ animals to start or stop doing something and they have done it immediately. It always came with an exchange given to them and is always special and individual.
For my dog, my love is enough of a reward since our understanding of each other’s “authority” is clearly defined in the traditional canine sense. Other animals in my sphere, like the rabbits, respond very individually. Some act as if I’m invisible. When I let them know what the good reason is it makes a huge difference.
It would seem food is a good enough reason to come to you but some animals mind appearing dependent on you for food as a result. I remember trying to get my rabbit, Jar Jar Binks, to come for an apple just as you mention with your pony. He said right back in a deep, booming voice that this powerful being was so capable of projecting, “I won’t do tricks for food.” He just wasn’t going to do it. Yet I have many other “little horses” (rabbits) who do show interest in tricks as long as the food is extraordinary. So maybe you could ask your pony to come for a more extraordinary reward which he doesn’t get often.
The horses and “little horses” I have talked to have to be convinced that you hold them in high spiritual regard before going to a deeper level of communication. Prey animals demand total trust, “your life for mine” type of trust, to let you in their psychic world. Once a prey animal lets another being in their psychic world, they are exposed and bare and can’t as easily hide their thoughts from the rest of the carnivorous world.
Monty Roberts uses signaling to tell horses he’s an herbivore so they will immediately trust him. So there is a whole web of trust separating prey animals from those laser-minded carnivores. The scientists say to give the most desired treat but they don’t seem to know why this makes a difference. The behaviorists would say that a commonplace treat is not a good reward to establish new behavior because you have already established that you will give it just for the sake of giving it.
I think it comes down to trust. That incredible treat is a helping hand reaching out across species’ borders.
Paloma Baertschi-Herrera My experience is that it very much depends on the animal and what I want to achieve by communicating telepathically.
There are animals who say that I should have enough faith in what I get telepathically and not look for confirmation like a behavior or signs from the animal. There are others who react when addressed telepathically immediately but only if I do not want or expect anything from them.
One of my friend’s dogs was at the front of the house playing with water. He sometimes barks at the water. I was at the rear of the house when I heard a dog barking and I asked my friend’s dog telepathically if it was him.
Immediately the dog came out of the house to the rear where I was standing, looked at me and said, "It's not me. I am here." He knew that if he had only told me telepathically I might still have checked on him. So he decided to show up personally.
When I started animal communication, my rabbit friend Spot told me, "Do not try to get any proofs or confirmations for animal communication and never try to prove it to somebody else. If you do this, you get into an expectation mode and this puts pressure on the situation. Telepathic communication is destroyed if you put pressure on it. It is something which comes from the heart and if a heart is put under pressure it stops beating."
One day I was at a client's home. After talking to her animals we sat in the living room drinking a cup of coffee while we watched the rabbits in the garden. A cat came along and stopped at the cage of rabbits. One of the rabbits came to the bars and my client said. "I think I need to chase the cat away. I think the rabbit is afraid." I said, "No leave the cat. The rabbit is not afraid. He wants to play with the cat. He is going to start digging."
Immediately, the rabbit started digging and my client was very surprised because this rabbit had never done this before. At that moment I heard Spot telling me "See. Nature gives you proofs and confirmations without asking for them."
Denise Schultz Moving can be chaotic. Leaving from an empty dwelling is not a cat's favorite thing. Often they make themselves scarce just when I don't want to leave anyone behind.
When I moved last fall, there were two people and seven cats in two vehicles. We had let them know for several days when we would be leaving. When it was time to go and we mentally called them, all seven cats were there, ready, and in the cars within about fifteen minutes! Usually we wouldn't see all seven of them at one time. This time even Midnight, who is often gone on walkabout for days or weeks at a time, was right there and ready to go.
Other times it is not so effective. When clients want me to tell their animal to do something, I explain that speaking the language is not the same as eliciting cooperation.
You describe the situation where you want the horses to come get their grain. When I asked the unbidden question (the ones we automatically ask instantly in our thoughts and without permission for direct contact), I was told that you think about their grain being in the bucket all the time. They see you picturing it as you are walking to the barn and as you fix it for each horse. Finally, when you yodel, it actually is ready, but you have been sending the pictures for quite some time. It is the same with the apples. You have many anticipatory pictures and you look forward to giving the apple, but of the many times you think of it, only when you physically show the apple are they sure that this is the time the apple is here now.
They don't rely solely on your picture-sending because your pictures are frequent and not the whole story. That is the very reason why communicators have different results with their own animals and with clients' animals. When we ask the client's animal to respond to a specific picture, it is relatively simple for them. They don't have hours of daily living with us with all our mind-wandering pictures before we actually get the food to the animals.
It shows how much more they listen to us than we realize, and how confusing it is to make sense of the huge amount of information they are exposed to when they listen to us. So, actually they hear you quite a lot.
It might be interesting to experiment with putting a ‘'real-time” tag line on the images you send. Sometimes I show a time-of-day angle of sunlight, or weather picture, or an environmental sound we all just heard. I notice I use this more when I am asking my animals to check in and let me know they are okay, such as when I have heard a coyote or a fast-moving car.
In many consultations I have found it important to ask, "When is now?" Once I did a barn call with a horse supposedly lame in the front right, but he began by acting out for me that he was lame in the front left! The client could not understand. When the horse clarified, he said he had hit a divot with his front left that put him off balance, then he landed badly on his front right, which took most of the damage. So your question about communicating in real time brings up interesting aspects about the “nowness” of things.
Karla McCoy We humans think so much of what we need to be doing, with our constant planning and questioning. In Calloway's daily life, how often does she think "Oh I need to buy apples for the horses," or "I need to take apples to the barn" or "I wonder if (insert horse's name) would like an apple?" So in the reality of telepathic connection, Calloway's horse "hears" messages about apples from her, probably on a regular basis. How often is Calloway really standing there with an apple? Because they share such a close bond of everyday living, her horse has learned to "believe it when I see it"
One day, while eating lunch, my dog Popper was sitting staring at me, wanting a piece of my sandwich (which I don't give her because of her allergies). Yet, I do give my dogs dehydrated chicken. I spotted a piece behind Popper that was across the room between the wall and a water dish. I sent that image to her and she immediately, got up, walked directly over to the piece of chicken, ate it, and came back to take up her "begging" spot.
The reason she got it and physically responded to it was because I don't send her messages of that specific placement of a piece of chicken. I might think during the day "I need to dehydrate/buy/give" chicken to the dogs. So, telepathically sending an image to them of "I have chicken" isn't going to have the same impact as that particular scenario I related. They believe it when the physically see it.
Jean-Luc Janiszewski While writing my first book, The Mowgli Effect, or How to Communicate with the Animals (JMG Ed., Agnières, France, 2005), I got three anecdotes answering Calloway McCloud's question.
The first comes from Anita Curtis’ book, Animal Wisdom pp 41-42. Anita tells how she was presenting what animal communication is to a class of adolescents. During the lecture a German shepherd appeared to be sleeping peacefully in a corner of the room. A student raised his hand, stood up, and defied Anita to show that telepathic communication really works. He wanted her to ask the sleeping dog to stand up and to walk to his teacher, Mrs. Miller.
Anita recounts, "I called the dog's name softly; she woke up and looked at me. I asked her if she would be so kind as to go and stand beside Mrs. Miller and then go back and resume her nap. As I spoke, I made sure I was forming clear images of what I wanted in my mind. She looked at me for a few seconds, yawned and slowly stood. The sweet dog walked over to Mrs. Miller, turned and looked at the students, and then walked back to her mat to lie down. For a few seconds you could have heard a pin drop; then came the first “Wow!”
The second example is presented in Henry Blake's book, Talking with Horses pp. 110-135. Henry spent forty years of his life with horses including twenty years (1955-1975) studying how they communicate. Here's an excerpt from how his very first experiments were designed.
"The horse Cork Beg was offered two containers, both filled up with the same quantity of food, and I was to direct the horse towards whichever bucket I wanted, merely by using telepathy.[...After a while] without interference he did go to them on a roughly fifty-fifty basis. Now we were ready to train him to answer my telepathic commands.... At the end of a few days the horse went directly to the bucket that I indicated to him. Each morning when I fed him, I would fill one or the other of the buckets. Then I would wait until I was absolutely sure I was in telepathic communication with him and mentally visualized the bucket that contained the food. Having done this I would let the horse out.... Because he was a very intelligent animal, Cork Beg quickly learnt that the bucket that I indicated to him was that containing his breakfast.... Of course, this experiment also involved a certain amount of training for me, since I had to train myself to use my will to focus my whole mind on the mental picture of the chosen bucket, allowing nothing to distract me. And I also had to make quite sure that when he came out in the morning, I was entirely in tune with him.... We had a 100% success, when normally we would accept 60% or 70% success as a positive result."
For the third example, I was relaxing on the edge of a private swimming pool in Africa with three or four people. It was around 3:00 PM, the ambiance was very calm all around us, and I was lying seventy feet from the blue water.
A beautiful white heron landed silently and gracefully on the very edge of the pool, looked around, and then tried to drink some water. Unfortunately the surface of the water was too low to reach it from where he was standing. The heron tried it several times with no success.
I decided to give him telepathic help. I showed him mentally for about ten minutes that if he flew to a small island built in the center of the basin, he would be close enough from the water to drink it very easily and safely. The beautiful white bird had a slight hesitation and suddenly took off. He flew over the distance separating him from this new platform, landed on it, and was finally able to quench his thirst. Then he left as he had come.
Emerald DuCoeur When I am talking with my own animal family or wild animal friends and see real time physical demonstrations of our communication, I realize I've been at the center of the universe with them in that moment, as I am when I speak with my clients and their animals. When I say at the center of the universe, I mean I am solely focused on what I am conveying and solely focused in "listening" for their response.
While LaNeige (my white female shepherd dog) and I were walking recently, I smelled honeysuckle and morning glory flowers along the way. She asked me what the flower fragrances were like for me. I invited her telepathically "to be me smelling flowers." She stuck her nose in the honeysuckle and then a morning glory and we had a wonderful conversation about how each of us "does" smelling.
That morning, as we were walking with the leash connecting us, we were at the center of the universe together. It was an effortless telepathic conversation. Additionally, as I wrote this, I asked LaNeige telepathically if there was anything she wanted me to add or change. She suggested that I go back and use "we" instead of "I" in a few places. I did and our story flows more beautifully and accurately because of her suggestions.
Elizabeth Severino Affecting real-time present moment behavior happens when I'm one-with, beyond words, with strong clear images and feelings, and no thoughts.