This article can be found translated to Slovak and German on Does That Mean Animal Communication is Fake? Helping people with their animal friends as an animal communicator can be demanding work. To do it well requires a great deal of sensitivity, calm, centered presence, compassion, clear and deep communication, dedication to our own spiritual/emotional growth, strength, and courage. (Seeconsultation informationandtheCode of Ethics.) It is not a profession for the faint of heart. When a person is new at doing consultations, there is a lot to handle, and it is easy to be tentative and unsure about communications and what to do to help. Like any other profession, it takes a good foundation of training and practice upon which to build with continued experience to become proficient or masterful.
Ideally, a consultation situation with people and their animal companions would be in a relatively quiet environment with minimal distractions. However, a well-trained animal communicator who practices being fully present to those involved in the consultation can hold the space and not let noises or other potential interruptions distract from the focus on listening to animals and their people and getting problems understood and handled, whether in-person or at a distance.
I have done many consultations in crowded barns with people and animals coming and going without letting it disturb what we were doing.
I’ve done communications with animals on live radio and TV programs where the announcer continued to talk loudly so as not to have even seconds of “dead” air space when I listened to what the animal was communicating before I could relay it. Sometimes, the sweat dripped under my arms from the pressure of doing on-air instant consultations, but I stayed focused and got the job done. Not ideal circumstances, but it brought the result of reaching and educating many people on the reality of animal communication. What is even worse for animal communicators is when a person is not sincere about wanting help or learning from their animal friends and sets up a scam to trap an animal communicator. How does this happen? Scam Setup A successful consultation to help people with their animal friends requires trust between clients and the communicator with a common purpose to help understand and solve the challenge presented. When the consultation is being done at a distance instead of in-person, in order to tune-in to the animal well, it helps to have the person’s established connection with their animal friend to ensure you are communicating with the right animal. Once the person gives a few details about the animals such as their name, a brief description, and age, or even before that with just the person mentioning the animal, the animal comes in to the radar of the animal communicator, is felt and can be communicated with.
However, if a person makes up a non-existent animal or situation to fool an animal communicator or try to show that animal communication is fake, an animal communicator is placed in a very difficult situation. Since animal communicators are generally sensitive, sincere people who want to help others, they can try to find validity in what the person is falsely saying is a real animal and situation. They can ride along the person’s energy, and pick up images and feelings the person is concocting. The connection may feel confusing or not solid like a real animal, but the desire to connect may cause the animal communicator to latch on to the false images and try to make sense out of them. The animal communicator may even jump to a real animal that is somehow connected to the person, situation, or area to get a real connection.
This can also happen with lost animals, where the person has lost connection with their animal friends and yet may have many images of where they or others think their animals could be. An animal communicator has to sift through or get past others’ images and ideas and come up with the actual physical location of the animal and/or help them get home. I once found a cat who looked just like the cat who was lost. Another time I thought the cat was alive because he communicated exactly where he was and was waiting to be found. The cats dead body was found in the location.
It’s not always easy to sort out the details of these situations. Worse yet, is when a person deliberately lies and you go on a merry chase trying to find or make sense of it all. Early in my career, a woman deliberately manufactured a lost cat. She didn’t have a cat but was just testing me. I got vague images of places that I thought were coming from the cat, but they were just images the person had in her energy field, and there was no cat. Embarrassing. Uncomfortable, Fruitless. A scam.
Why didn’t I know the cat was fake and the woman was setting me up? I assume people are really asking for help-for a real situation. I was trying to help and jumped to images of cats and places that were in the person’s energy field because there was no real connection to tap into. Because people can be confused or disconnected in real lost animal consultations, it’s easy to miss when it’s a scam like this.
Another time, I was teaching a basic animal communication course in another country with veterinary students. A group of students plotted together to fabricate animals that they were communicating with in the exercises to fool me and see what I would do when I would check on the communications they said they had with the animals they described.
Besides the fact that there were no real animals on the other end to communicate with, there was the stress of language translation. The students were good at creating imaginary animals with imaginary conversations, and I was doing the best I could to pick up a “real” communication. A very stressful situation indeed. When the students admitted they had faked the whole thing, I was shocked that they would do this. I also could see how I got their images and communications. I explained that they were good creators of unreal animals and communications, but that was not the point of the exercise.
Does this kind of scam setup prove that animal communication is fake? No. It shows that animal communicators operate best in honest situations where people have common purposes to understand more and help their animal companions and we can use our abilities to telepathically communicate in the way they are meant to be used.
Doesn’t any service professional operate better with open, honest communication from clients/students? Animal communicators can be fooled.We also aren’t always right in interpreting what is going on and can’t always be expected to, especially in deliberately deceptive situations. What to Do Writing about this subject was prompted by this communication from an animal communicator about a horrible scam setup. (Name and country anonymous)
About three years ago, a local TV news (something like 60 minutes in U.S.) decided to investigate if Animal Communication is true or a scam by taking a picture of a turtle figure that looks real. Then they used this photo to ask five animal communicators, one of them my student, and request their services, as they claimed that the turtle figure was a lost animal and they were eager to find it. All five communicators received some messages from this figure via the photo. After the test they invited the five communicators (I represented my student) and asked why we were able to communicate with a lifeless object. The show was hugely popular and circulated widely in our country, and I became a very famous "scam leader" overnight.
In the last three years, the number of people requesting communication services and classes has plummeted, but my team hangs in there and continues to work on our part. Many of my students lost their "fire" and have chosen to stop practicing animal communication, but some (myself included) continue to press on. We are converting people one at a time. Skeptical people tried our service and saw instant behavior changes in their animals and many appreciated that. Some feel that our communication is "just 80% accurate" and not 100% accurate, so it must be a scam. I tell my students to refund and move on if clients didn't find our service valuable to them. This animal communicator is doing what I would do in this situation. Carry on and show the good results that real animal communication consultations bring.
I have found that refunding for dissatisfaction is a good policy. And in my years of doing thousands of consultations, I only found it necessary to refund a few times for this reason.
It is also important to help animal communicators who are discouraged after having gone through dishonest maneuvers like this. I don’t know of any profession where people have 100% accuracy and results and don’t make any errors.
Any mistakes I did in consultations caused me to review everything that I was doing to see where I could improve. There were times when I thought of giving up and that I shouldn’t be doing this work, such as when I relayed that it looked like a lost cat had been killed and the cat showed up at home weeks later and the people were very upset with me (one of my refunds).
Being a practitioner of telepathic animal communication is challenging and satisfying work that yields wonderful results in solving problems people are having with animals. It also helps people to expand their whole viewpoint about the consciousness of animals, their own spiritual nature, and their connection to all life.
For those reasons, we carry on despite setbacks from dealing with people who want to prove that animal communication is fake. Fortunately, they are a small percentage of people who come our way.
Thank you, sensitive, loving, compassionate, brave animal communicators for doing the good work you do.