Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
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Animal Communication in Oneness Mode

I have a favorite tool I use to help people tune in to their inherent ability to communicate with other species telepathically. It made sense when I started teaching people how to rediscover their ability to include adopting an animal’s viewpoint to understand animals well and get what they were communicating on a deep feeling level.

Later, I observed that as people who trained with me got more experience in doing animal communication, they used
Becoming An Animal or feeling what an animal feels naturally in consultations with animals and their people. It added depth to the reception of thoughts or messages, giving what that animal felt through their physical form and how they experienced the world.

It’s a step from separation to oneness on the spiritual journey people travel with animal communication that I describe in my article,
The Telepathic Journey: Opening to the Whole.

Sometimes, people find that they have to do the exercise of becoming an animal several times before they fully experience what an animal senses as different than what they might imagine it would be.

Over the years, I’ve had a few misinterpretations of the exercise come to light. A few people wanted to know where you enter an animal’s body during this exercise. Entering an animal’s body is not part of the exercise; It isn’t about taking over or getting inside an animal’s body. It is simply sharing space with an animal. It compares to becoming close to another person when you can feel what they feel and get what they think before they verbalize it aloud. It’s a movement from otherness to oneness that brings deep understanding.

It is not invasive like taking over or superimposing your energy on an animal. You dissolve the illusion of separate selves to feel what animals feel, hear what they hear, smell what they smell, and see what they see in varying degrees of communion.
You share space and perception. We all can do this when we move beyond looking at ourselves and others as objects and feel our infinite spiritual nature and connection.

This type of sharing conveys more understanding of animals’ true nature than just observing, analyzing, and interpreting what is happening with an animal.

Horse over fence with woman
In my recent teaching of my foundation animal communication course with The Shift Network, a student and I discussed her interpretation of the meaning of Becoming An Animal.

The student wrote:

When I first did this exercise in a Basic Course with a student of yours years ago, it didn’t make sense as it wasn’t “talking” to an animal but imagining being with them, and I didn’t get how to “step inside” an animal. But from what you’ve said, it seems you mean it’s a process of stepping into their viewpoint to attune and feel their essence and energy and as a tool of connection.

My sense now is that you’re saying it can be helpful to feel what it’s like to be that animal so that there is resonance and connection to get to a complete package of feeling with them rather than from the vantage point of separate beings. I can see that the question-and-answer conversational format that I learned and have been using can be linear and restrictive if I’m just trying to harvest answers and not from a place of BEING with them. So, a wider and more intimate connection comes from this way of being with an animal.

I’m wondering if the tool of Becoming An Animal is like attuning to a person and what’s going on with them, and you pick up on things even if they don’t tell you via vocal communication. The exercise seems to reveal that sharing energy is possible (as we are all energy). Feeling the animal’s physical and mental self and then shifting into their viewpoint to feel what it would be like from their perspective gives us a more intimate connection to access information and a knowing about them. I might use imagination to reach the feeling tone of this oneness connection rather than asking the animal for information to share as a communication.

I’d be so grateful if you could let me know if I’m on the right wavelength or clarify what I’m misunderstanding.

Thanks for writing. I see your progression in contemplating and understanding becoming one with an animal.

Your statement about attunement gets the closest. People and animals are sending and receiving energy/communications all the time. When we attune telepathically, we understand the energy/communications, whether we formally ask or try to send/receive. Sharing space or becoming one with another is the most complete non-linear form of telepathic communication and understanding.

Then there are no questions about how it works. It just does. We smell, hear, feel, touch, taste, see what they do. There’s no “how.” As I’ve mentioned, it’s a progression to a fuller way of communicating that I see naturally happens when people practice enough and get good at it. It’s not a “thinking” thing, as you do when struggling to understand here. It’s a feeling thing—attunement or at ONE ment, becoming ONE. Read over
The Telepathic Journey: Opening to the Whole, and step by step you’ll get it and recognize your stages of growth.

It means so much to me that you’d take the time to write right back to help guide me. I feel your support on my continuing journey to open to the whole. Glad to know that I’m on the right track with attunement. Your clear explanation makes sense—the natural way for us to relate and communicate is by attuning and receiving by being with another and feeling at one with their energy, so much so that we can embody their experience.

Thank you for pointing me to read your piece again on your revelation in 1999, as it’s taken on more meaning now in light of my question. What stands out to me is how you explain, “
telepathic reception is a connection through both the heart (feelings) and the mind (thoughts).” So we need both.

Since my first animal communication training, I’ve been intuitively open and receiving clear and helpful information with a question and answer method but not getting all of what’s possible. This was easy for me from the start but I didn’t know how to receive more. What’s coming to me now is to focus more on the feeling through heart connection. I loved your soft focus exercise and this is a practice I can include in my daily life to practice feeling energy more precisely and to be more intimate with life.

Becoming an Animal exercise can seem like a way to pick up information from animals without their involvement. That’s where it was confusing for me. Now I understand it’s a tool for how to attune through feeling.

Telepathic communication with all life is the medicine the world needs to rebalance and heal.

You can find the Becoming an Animal exercise in my foundation animal communication course, in my book, Animal Talk, and in my audio recording, Basic Course: How to Communicate with Animals.

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