Communicating with Groups of Animals Part 3—Other Approaches
There are times when telepathic communication and dialog may be only one part of working out a problem you are having with groups of animals.
I've had challenges with two types of ants: the fire ants which are very painful and bite before you know they are close. The ones who are a big problem for all my flowers are the harvester or cutter ants. They will take down an entire flower bed in one night. They use the cuttings to grow fungus underground (which is their only food source). I've almost given up on growing daylilies and some others. How do we talk to them? Fain Zimmerman
There are many instances where animal communicators work with ants, bees, wasps or other insects who come into human clients’ homes or in some way threaten them when they cross paths. Often, communication with the insect groups is successful in opening a harmonious way for both species to interact with each other.
Sometimes there is no easy solution that will satisfy human desire to have the insects out of the way, whether indoors or outside. Insects have to live and need their colonies and food sources to survive, just as we do. Humans also have to accommodate and learn how to allow other species’ natural ways of living as fellow inhabitants of Earth.
In my desert environment, we have colonies of large black harvester ants that have a bite like a bee sting. I try to be conscious of their trails especially when they are working hard to restore their dens after rainfall. Sometimes I get involved with gardening and forget not to stand in one place for too long when they are around. The ants do not like my feet in their way and my digging in the ground interrupting their work. They bite to get me to move, expressing annoyance and anger at my body obstructing their activity.
I understand and respect their place in the world. I do swipe them off if I see them climbing my shoes, as the pain from their bites lasts a long time. Smaller red ants have a stinging bite that doesn't leave such a large itching welt, but I also try not to stand on their trails.
Ants are dutiful and do not like anything interfering with their work. They have large and complex societies much like humans, even waging war with other colonies. It is fascinating to tune into their social groups and to each individual. I respect their vast communities and vital place in keeping the world in balance.
There are other small critters, such as termites and scorpions, who I strive to keep out of my home. Termites can cause considerable damage in tunneling into the walls and foundation of a house. Scorpions have a very painful sting. While I communicate with them and respect their habits and needs, it’s not enough to permanently keep them from doing what is natural for them that can be damaging for me.
I let them know that I have to surround my home with protection to deter them from entering. I use Cedarcide, a cedar oil formula that is non-toxic to animals and plants. While it mainly works by repelling them, it will also hurt and kill them if they come into contact. I am sorry for any who are hurt or die. I also accept this form of deterrence as needed to protect my home and body, just as other species have defenses to protect themselves.
I had a similar dilemma when I lived in areas that had fleas and ticks, which fortunately do not live in my current desert habitat. I mainly used repellants to keep them off my dogs and cats, but sometimes I had to remove ticks or fleas and kill them. I didn’t like doing that, but I warned the fleas and ticks that if they tried to suck the blood of my animal friends, then I would have to eliminate them.
I have learned many ways to construct barriers to keep out other small animals from eating my vegetable garden, but if they are really hungry due to climate conditions, barriers may not work. I work to find a balance with the other critters that sometimes involves not having so many veggies for myself.
You can use the methods I outlined in parts 1 and 2 of this series to communicate with the fire, harvester and leaf cutter ants, one species at a time. You may also need to find a way to deter or avoid them without poisoning the environment and other animals.
There are other approaches that may also help, which I take up in answering the next question.
I have tried working with the cockroaches that come into my home. They come here to have babies in a safe and comfortable environment. I come from the South where there were many in the old homes that were broken up to be apartments. They would fly down at me and too many to count would scatter when I turned the kitchen light on. Recently the house I live in (in another State) have had many to start coming in again.
Although I did try to communicate, I was not getting anywhere and have been having anxiety like post traumatic stress. Now anytime I see even a shadow I am triggered. I live on a large patch of land with a barn and a greenhouse that I encouraged them to consider. I fully recognize they are spirit in body and try to escort them out whenever possible to no avail they just keep coming I have wanted to ask you about this for years and now seemed like the perfect time. Can you help?
I’ve had similar experiences with cockroaches in places I have lived, and I can understand your feelings. Here are a few other approaches when your communication attempts don’t bring resolution for you.
Entering into a state of spiritual communion with the other beings you are having challenges with can bring about amazing spiritual, emotional, and physical results. The methods in part 1 and 2 of this series can be helpful to accomplish this oneness. The exercise, “Becoming An Animal” in Animal Talk and the Basic Course audio recording set explains:
The most direct and complete method of communication is to become one with the animal and experience their feelings, senses, and thoughts in union with them rather than from a separate position. This helps us to understand animals from their own perspectives, with minimum interference and misinterpretation. It fosters communion, compassion, understanding, harmony, and oneness with other beings, whatever their species.
In the state of meditative communion and oneness, you can feel other beings in a deeper and more expansive way. You get a bigger picture and discover them as spiritual beings in relationship to you and all other beings as well as understanding their physical nature and role in sustaining the web of life for all. Your questions and misunderstandings about them are answered in a full sensory experience of their being. During this process a deep peace, lightness, and joy may envelop you. It will also help you get beyond the startle reflex and stress you feel about their bodies coming toward you and is very healing.
Staying in this mode of union for awhile and repeating it as needed for your own well-being can shift the energy between you and the cockroaches such that new avenues of co-existence may open. Your relationship with them shifts and relaxes. It can be quite miraculous. You may find that you feel very differently about your connection with cockroaches and can operate more peacefully around them.
You can also do a spiritual healing on the area, encompassing both you and the cockroaches. Reiki and other forms of channeling spiritual energy for healing can be effective in bringing peaceful resolution and insight that transforms your feelings and the quality of inter-species interaction. For more healing alternatives, see the Animal Communication Mastery Series audio recording, Healing and Counseling with Animals.
Another tool that can help to resolve the situation is shamanic journeying, consulting with your power animal or other shamanic spiritual guides to illuminate and show a way to resolve the problem. A good reference for shamanic journeying is Michael Harner’s book, The Way of the Shaman, and the workshops available through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
I have seen how doing shamanic journeys for power animals as I taught in past advanced telepathic animal communication courses enhanced people’s clarity and depth of telepathic communication ability. It also gave them more skills to help human and animal clients as animal communicators.
You can also ask for professional help from an animal communicator, spiritual healer, or shamanic practitioner. Sometimes, when we are too emotionally involved or stressed by a situation, another person’s assistance is a vital blessing.
There will be one more article in this series sparked by a question about a different group of beings.