Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

Factory Farming and Our Dogs and Cats

Val Nuttall posed a question: You recommend feeding a raw diet to a dog or cat. What about the animals who have endured suffering and abuse in factory farming or is it just cats, dogs, horses you are concerned with?

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The Departure of My Ultimate Dog

I am eternally grateful for the magical life with my ultimate dog, Belinda. She had the best traits of all my former dog companions and added some qualities and quirks of her own, as we individuals all must do. It is fitting that she departed this life on November 1st - All Saint’s Day.

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The Great Cycle of Life

As my sweet, wise canine partner, Belinda and I wend our way through the end stages of her life on Earth, I am reminded of the departure of our dearest friend, Sherman, orange tabby wonder cat. Sherman and Belinda loved each other deeply and curled up together often. With similar size, coloring, and loving energy, I called them the Butterscotch Twins.

Here is the wondrous story of Master Sherman’s last steps on Earth…

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Animal Acceptance of Death

Conscious of their spiritual nature and living fully and happily in their current animal form, animals generally do not fear a natural death. Nearing their physical demise, they often leave their bodies gradually, relatively painlessly, and peacefully if they are allowed to do so. Dying can get painful and prolonged if they feel obligated to stay in their worn-out bodies for the sake of people they love who do not want to let them go.

A woman called me for a phone consultation about her aging standard poodle. He had refused to eat for a week after a series of veterinary treatments for various ailments. She realized that her dog was dying and that she could probably do no more for him. She was gravely concerned that for several months, her formerly affectionate canine companion avoided her and seemed morose.

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Animal Death - Guilt and Grieving

When an animal dies, we often experience feelings of guilt and remorse that compound our grief yet again. Could I have done more for my beloved companion? Why was I so preoccupied with my work that I failed to notice his illness? Did the treatment plan I chose to follow make him suffer more? These questions and many others may haunt us for weeks, months, or possibly years.

Our rational minds may say that it isn’t logical to grieve so much for a beloved animal friend. However, every bond we share with other beings creates a kind of energetic blending of our auras or energy fields. When a friend leaves, there is a tearing of this bond, which can hurt just as if our bodies were ripped open. We have to heal that energetic wound before it becomes easy to connect with our friends solely as spirits.

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