Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

Living and Communicating with Wild Animals

People have asked me what it’s like to be able to communicate with wild animals in day-to-day living. What do they tell me? Do they understand my thoughts? Am I bombarded with messages? How does communicating with them influence how we live together?

Telepathic communication with wild animals happens in a very natural, organic flow that enhances my interaction with these wonderful beings. Let me give you a few very recent examples.

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I just read your blog about plants. I cherish plants especially for their flowers, amazing colors and scents. I am currently volunteering in Greece and France and some farm posts want me to "garden" but they mean usually tearing out the “weeds." I don't believe in “weeds.” Every plant has total value in my eyes. I don't want to rip anything out. Robert Shapiro's magnificent book, Plant Souls Speak, is the most loving and aware book on plants I've ever seen. But what would you say to people who believe in weeds and the desire to be rid of them?

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