Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

The Baby Quail Who Was Left Behind

Because of using my ability to communicate with animals, I am now godmother to a baby quail. Here’s how it happened.

A quail decided to lay her eggs in my large cherry tomato planter where the climbing vines provide shelter and moisture. I had also erected a sun shade tent around the plant supports to shield the tomatoes from being scorched by our searing summer desert sun. A perfect place to have a nest.

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Why the Rattlesnake Returned

It is such a blessing to grow and learn and feel the assistance of other species when you communicate with and understand them. Communication experiences can start on one level of understanding and then deepen and broaden to intimately include other areas of life that at first you didn’t see.

In my last post, I talked about snakes I had recently come across on my land, especially the encounter I had helping a rattlesnake who was caught in deer fence netting. Well, that was not to be my only encounter with this rattlesnake.

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