Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

The Silent Work of All Species

People often underestimate animals’ awareness, understanding, and conscious engagement with the world around them, especially their awareness of human activities.

Animals can be masters of being quiet while fully surveying and feeling their environment with heightened awareness. They can be aware of currents of energy and events far beyond their immediate surroundings and survey events happening around the world through their own species or interspecies connections.

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Elephants Explain Their Deaths and Warn Humankind

I’m a South African, but have recently moved to Botswana where I operate a small company with my twin sister that does private guided wildlife safaris. Up until a few months ago I didn’t know much about the topic of animal communication until I did a hypnosis session with my clairvoyant friend and the animal kingdom came to me and told me I must learn to communicate with animals before I moved from South Africa to Botswana. I have recently arrived in Botswana and I have had some profound communication with the animals. I’m quite new at this still. I have been reading your books and found so much inspiration and guidance from your wisdom.

I’m reaching out to you to ask if you know anything about the mysterious deaths of the elephants in Botswana? They have been mysteriously dying in a kneeling position. Around 330 elephants died between May-July 2020 in the northern Okavango Delta near the area where the Okavango River flows from Namibia into Botswana. 11 Have died again very recently.

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Communicating with Groups of Animals Part 4—The Body and Cancer Cells

Your blog on the coronavirus and how it is supporting the balance was very interesting! I am also from Hong Kong and have a similar question: have you ever had a word with cancer cells? If so, what were your findings? Moni

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