Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

Are Animals Aware of World Events?

I have been asked if animals are aware of world events that concern humans. People often assume that animals are only concerned with what’s around them related to their interests.

Animals are unique individuals with their own life journeys and purposes to fulfill. They range widely in spiritual awareness and orientation to helping others, just as humans do.

Domestic animals often have purposes to assist the people they live with or meet. Wild or domestic animals can have purposes that benefit not only themselves and their own species, but also humans and all life on Earth. The benefits of animals’ work can be amplified for humans who are conscious of their own energetic connection with animals.

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The Reality of Telepathic Communication with Animals

A concerned animal lover sent me an article published in the September/October 2001 issue of The Animal's Agenda (a magazine published by "The Animal Rights Network") entitled "Hear Spot Talk — Are Animal Communicators Psychics or Shams?" by Elizabeth Hess. While the author exerted genuine efforts to explore the field of animal communication, her general tone in this lengthy article came across as cynical to mocking.

The title of the article seemed strange, juxtaposing “psychic" and "sham." Usually people who are suspicious of spiritual realities assume psychic and sham to be inseparable. I wondered if she was going to elucidate the difference between a true psychic and a phony. In relaying different practitioners' approaches, she appeared to cast doubt on all of them.

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