Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

The Great Cycle of Life

As my sweet, wise canine partner, Belinda and I wend our way through the end stages of her life on Earth, I am reminded of the departure of our dearest friend, Sherman, orange tabby wonder cat. Sherman and Belinda loved each other deeply and curled up together often. With similar size, coloring, and loving energy, I called them the Butterscotch Twins.

Here is the wondrous story of Master Sherman’s last steps on Earth…

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Telepathic Animal Communication: An Affair of Heart and Soul

Telepathic communication with animals is an affair of the heart and soul. It involves getting in touch with the deep core of your being so that you can meet another in the same place. From that strong foundation, you can truly listen to animals’ deepest desires, feelings, and thoughts and understand who they are and what they are communicating to you.

You may have buried and thought you lost your native ability to telepathically communicate with animals.

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