Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

Living in Harmony with Insects

I live in tropical Southwest Florida and we are inundated with mosquitoes, locusts , love bugs, no-see-ums, and flies, I’m trying to honor all living beings, but I also want to kill these pests to protect my horses and myself from bites. I’m having a difficult time reconciling this conflict and hope you can help me learn how to honor and live with these animals, I’m also having trouble understanding how they can be sentient beings with souls.

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The World Needs Viruses to Function

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are reading a lot about what is happening re the virus. I found this article, “Why the World Needs Viruses to Function,” very enlightening.

It also struck me how these viewpoints coming from scientific research matched what
viruses communicated to me about their function on Earth, especially their role in creating balance, recycling, maintaining the health of organisms, and the evolution of species.

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How to Connect with the Animals Around You

I am hoping you would address how to follow your program for someone who does not have an animal helper/partner.

I am about halfway through your book,
Animal Talk, and it has struck me that my current situation is my biggest stumbling block. Due to life events since the 2008 financial crash, I no longer have animal companions. The condo complex I live in in San Diego County, California, borders a golf course. I am blessed to have a unit that overlooks the course and the local wildlife here is quite diverse: hummingbirds on up to red-tailed hawks, ducks and egrets, rabbits, lizards, even the occasional coyote.

While I have birds nest on my deck, none of the wildlife takes time to commune with me, not even the spiders who show up inside and on my deck. Nesting obviously is seasonal and I’m going to assume the parents are a bit too distracted with the nest to be proper candidates, regardless of their close proximity at those times that my presence doesn’t cause them to abandon the nest. While San Diego does have the zoo and safari park, Birch aquarium, and the various local Humane Society facilities, I’m not sure those would be useful resources.

So, again, I would appreciate your input on how I might best move forward in applying your recommended steps given a lack of actual live-in and/or eligible/agreeable/receptive participants.

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