Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

Animal Death - Guilt and Grieving

When an animal dies, we often experience feelings of guilt and remorse that compound our grief yet again. Could I have done more for my beloved companion? Why was I so preoccupied with my work that I failed to notice his illness? Did the treatment plan I chose to follow make him suffer more? These questions and many others may haunt us for weeks, months, or possibly years.

Our rational minds may say that it isn’t logical to grieve so much for a beloved animal friend. However, every bond we share with other beings creates a kind of energetic blending of our auras or energy fields. When a friend leaves, there is a tearing of this bond, which can hurt just as if our bodies were ripped open. We have to heal that energetic wound before it becomes easy to connect with our friends solely as spirits.

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The Song is Love - Messages About Our Ecological Crisis

I received this inspiring letter from Ruggero Grottanelli. His words reminded me of a message I received from the dolphins on the first dolphin journey I facilitated in the Bahamas in 1997. Both messages are very relevant to our relationship with other species and Mother Earth.

Ruggero’s Inspiration
Now, planet Earth is facing a deep environmental crisis. Many people make efforts to avoid the worst, dedicating their lives to saving a small piece of the wonderful Nature of this planet.

Don't despair: every action in the right direction helps and gives breath space to Nature to recover. In this moment the whole planet Earth is working to overcome this crisis, every living being is leading with all its energy towards the restoration of the natural state of every place, all they need is for us to stop waiting on the rest of the planet. Even if it seems that things constantly get worse, even if it looks like an uphill battle, the power of recovery of our planet is much greater than we can imagine, and every effort helps.
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