Animal Communicator Lifetime Adventures

How I Was Guided to My New Dog Companion

He came presaged by visions, signs, synchronicities, and messages like many animal companions before him. Guidance mysterious yet clear, laced with wondering and excitement.

A few years ago, while my beloved dog Belinda was still alive, I started to have
visions of my next dog - a small dog with fringes of hair on ears, tail, and down the sides like a Papillon or Pomeranian mix.

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Do You Want To Be An Animal Communicator?

Continuing on the theme of what it takes to be an animal communicator from my last blog, here are wise words by Dawn Hayman, a very experienced animal communicator who trained with me. She submitted this article at my request when I was editor of Species Link journal in 1994, and I also included it in my Interspecies Counselor Course.

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What Does It Take To Be An Animal Communicator?

You might think that the most important prerequisite for being an animal communicator is loving animals and wanting to help them. That is a natural, deeply felt characteristic of all animal communicators I know. Even more important is a willingness and ability to communicate well with people to help them understand their animal friends and increase harmony among humans and other species.

People who feel they love animals but loath people do not do well in this field. Vital to being a good communicator or counselor is love and compassion for all species and individuals you work with, including humans, and (perhaps, most of all) yourself.

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