Potential clients, please note: This directory was compiled by Penelope Smith to help provide consultations and education about communication with animals. This does not mean that Penelope personally recommends and can guarantee or monitor the quality of work of each person in this directory. Practitioners have paid to list here after meeting certain requirements, including abiding by the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators. Each communicator has a different educational background and amount of experience in this field. You may find the approach of some communicators to be more compatible with you than others. Review animal communicators' websites, query practitioners about their services, ask for recommendations from their other clients, and use your own judgment on who can help you. Before consulting with a person in this directory, you may wish to read 10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring an Animal Communicator found on this page. If you have a complaint about an animal communicator's service, I recommend that you take it up with the animal communicator to resolve. They will handle it according to their individually established client agreements and service disclosures. If you send your complaint to me, I will forward it to the animal communicator to resolve. I will also forward any praise you send for animal communicators' services. Harmony among all species! (Page updated February 2025) 100% of the fees received from animal communicator directory listings and ads are donated to organizations that help animals and the environment, bettering all life on Earth.
10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring an Animal Communicator
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Code of Ethics for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators
Formulated in 1990 by Penelope Smith
Our motivation is compassion for all beings and a desire to help all species understand each other better, particularly to help restore the lost human ability to freely and directly communicate with other species.
We honor those who come to us for help, not judging, condemning, or invalidating them for their mistakes or misunderstanding but honoring their desire for change and harmony.
We know that to keep this work as pure and harmonious as possible requires that we continually grow spiritually. We realize that telepathic communication can be clouded or overlaid by our own unfulfilled emotions, critical judgments, or lack of love for self and others. We walk in humility, willing to recognize and clear up our own errors in understanding others’ communication (human and non-human alike).
We cultivate knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human, non-human, and interspecies behavior and relationships, to increase the good results of our work. We get whatever education and/or personal help we need to do our work effectively, with compassion, respect, joy, and harmony.
We seek to draw out the best in everyone and increase understanding toward mutual resolution of problems. We go only where we are asked to help, so that others are receptive and we truly can help. We respect the feelings and ideas of others and work for interspecies understanding, not pitting one side against another but walking with compassion for all. We acknowledge the things that we cannot change and continue where our work can be most effective.
We respect the privacy of people and animal companions we work with, and honor their desire for confidentiality.
While doing our best to help, we allow others their own dignity and help them to help their animal companions. We cultivate understanding and ability in others, rather than dependence on our ability. We offer people ways to be involved in understanding and growth with their fellow beings of other species.
We acknowledge our limitations, seeking help from other professionals as needed. It is not our job to name and treat diseases, and we refer people to veterinarians for diagnosis of physical illness. We may relay animals’ ideas, feelings, pains, symptoms, as they describe them or as we feel or perceive them, and this may be helpful to veterinary health professionals. We may also assist through handling of stresses, counseling, and other gentle healing methods. We let clients decide for themselves how to work with healing their animal companions’ distress, disease, or injury, given all the information available.
The goal of any consultation, lecture, workshop, or interspecies experience is more communication, balance, compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings. We follow our heart, honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One.
10 Things You Need to Know before Hiring an Animal Communicator
Val Heart, The Heart School of Animal Communication www.LearnHowToTalkToAnimals.com (See her directory listing under Texas)
Here are some of the critically important points that people need to know about this work:
1) Realize that not all communicators are created or trained equally. It takes many years of practice and seasoning to be a good animal communicator. Some of us are excellent at some things, and not so good at other things.
2) No one can make your animals change if they don’t want to. Sometimes the problem isn’t with them. It’s with their people, their situation, their management, their diet, background, breeding, training, or lack thereof! They always do what makes sense to them from their viewpoint. Our job is to discover what their viewpoint is and then to work with you to help resolve the problem.
3) Realize what the job actually is: animal communicators are trained to listen telepathically to animals. We can make mistakes even though we are doing the best we can. We do not predict the future, we don’t know everything, and we are not intending to read your mind.
Everything we do is considered confidential. We should be able to accurately understand what your animal is feeling and thinking, what the main issues are from their viewpoint, and be able to present something useful, whether it’s confirmation of what you may already know (which is valuable in itself), uncover new information you didn’t know before, provide clarity regarding direction to proceed with the problem, and be able to answer your questions to the best of our ability.
Some problems simply aren’t fixable. If the animals do not want to change or see no need or reason to that they can agree with, then they won’t. You live and work with them 24/7. To expect a stranger (animal communicator) to make animals be different when you continue to reinforce their bad behavior by rewarding it or not making the effort required to teach them anything different is not realistic.
4) What about skeptics? I encourage people and my students to be skeptical. You should listen and observe with your heart, but not be so open minded that you lose your common sense! Not everything that we receive telepathically is going to be 100% accurate; it’s unrealistic to expect it. The best psychics in the world are only about 80% accurate! However, you may notice a change in the animal’s behavior, mood, or well-being or in how they respond to you or their environment. Often they will change positively, just through communicating with them. Some of us do better than 80% at times, and sometimes we are off. Nobody’s perfect.
5) If something feels off in your session or you are being told things you know are not true, please, speak up! Let us know. Don’t worry about hurting our feelings. We would much rather learn from your honest feedback, and be allowed to correct or explain than have you go away unhappy.
6) The next important point to consider is this: We are all practitioners! That means we are practicing, along with other professional practitioners -- including veterinarians, doctors, and other medical professionals. We do our best to assist, given our experience, training, skills and education.
7) So where do you find animal communicators? The best place to start is right here, through Penelope Smith’s animal communicator directory. I interviewed Penelope in a very rare media appearance and she was awesome! We were treated to 90 plus minutes of her personal coaching and answering our questions. She even guided us through animal communication exercises. It was like being in up close and personal in an intimate class setting with the #1 Animal Communication Teacher of our time! Many people told me later that the event changed their lives. We recorded this amazing event so you can check that out at Teleseminars.
8) Do your research and choose a few animal communicators that appeal to you. Everyone has their special area of interest and expertise. If you like the look and feel of their website and information, then contact them.
9) Interview her or him. Ask them questions. How long have they been working as an animal communicator? Tell them a bit about what you are dealing with. Ask if they have worked with this kind of thing before. Ask what kind of preparation is needed for a session. While you interview the animal communicator, listen to your own heart. IF you feel good with this person, then make an appointment.
10) Does the animal communicator have any kind of a guarantee for their work? What will they do if things go wrong, or you are unhappy with your session? This will help your peace of mind and helps assure that you will be working with someone reputable and professional.
If at this point, all feels good to you, then make an appointment with the animal communicator. Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through our barriers, help us heal, and become reconnected with all Life. Animal communication can change your life and improve the lives of your animal friends.
Animal communicators are listed in this directory by location in this order: U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, England, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, India, China, Australia. States or Provinces within a country are listed in alphabetical order.
“Everyone is born with the power to communicate with other species, and although it is long lost for many people, it can be regained for the benefit of all beings on Earth.”
Books: Animal Talk, When Animals Speak, Animals in Spirit
Audio: Animal Communication Mastery Series, Basic Course, Animal Healing Power, Animal Spirit Call Tele-seminars: Animal Communication Roots & Application; How to Know if Telepathic Communication with Animals is Real and more
Video: Telepathic Communication with Animals, Wild Animals Speak.
Webinar interview doing live animal consultations
Not available for private consultations.
Specializing in Lost/Missing Animals and Animals in Spirit
Difficult Behavior Issues, Distance Energy Work
What Animals Tell Us® www.whatanimalstellus.com
Tucson, AZ/ Los Angeles, CA
520. 578. 0328
626. 536. 7001
Experienced, compassionate and highly sensitive to energy. Specializes in Lost and Missing Animals, Animals in Spirit and end of life issues. Specific training for psychic/sensory detection of missing animals. Follow up work is available for missing pets since their circumstances may evolve over time. Behavior specialist for unique problems of cats and dogs. Distance energy work included where/if applicable. Sessions are personalized using combined skills tailored to need. High personal integrity and professional ethics. Teaches psychic development and accepts private students.
Dana has developed a rare form of cancer. She is actively working to heal with alternative treatments after chemotherapy plunged her into a coma from which she almost didn't recover. Her health program is expensive. You can support here at Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-dana-coburn-beat-cancer-and-LIVE Prayers for her full recovery.
Donna brings wisdom and experience communicating with animals since 1994. She offers remote consultations for both people and animals. She holds a national certification in homeopathic medicine.
As one of the first in her field to introduce this topic to children, Donna published Sweet Dreams: The Talking Horse from Brooklyn (available on Amazon). This children’s book explores the importance of understanding how animals think and feel, cultivating a sense of respect for all of life.
Proudly featured in:
- The Sally Jessie Raphael Show
- Animal Planet
- The Howard Stern Show
- and others
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
The Sedona International School for Telepathic Animal & Nature Communication.
Animal Communication books, classes and consultations since 1997. Featured in film: Being With Animals https://vimeo.com/ondemand/beingwithanimalsfilm
Proudly launching new animal communication professionals worldwide, through intensive training and Certification in Animal Communication, Veterinary Animal Communication and Nature Communication.
Maia Kincaid Ph.D.
Debbie Johnstone Cave Creek, AZ (480) 444-2341 Debbie@Listen2Animals.com; www.Listen2Animals.com Intuitive and telepathic consultations/energy healing for all species of animals, both alive and in-spirit. Online, phone, in-person.
Animal communication and energy healing.
With over 30 years of experience, I provide an in-depth look at an animal’s perspective of life, history, and relationship with his/her human friend in understanding the root causes of animal’s behavioral issues and illnesses. The goal is to discover the true meaning of the bonds that exist between the animal and the human companion – the first step into the healing of the hearts for both.
I communicate with all species living and in spirit. The consultations are by Zoom or Skype and a recording of the session is made available to the client.
Suzan is an animal communicator and people psychic counselor with 30+ years experience. Consultations offered by phone, email, zoom or in-person.
Author of "Animal Whisperer: Wild Conversations," and "Dispatches from the Ark: Pages from a Pet Psychic's Notebook." Suzan holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Communication. Trained in telepathy, T-Touch, intuitive, and Pranic healing, she is an advanced student of Penelope Smith. Behavioral issues, people psychic counseling, human/animal harmony, health issues and more. Available for phone, Zoom, and in-person consultations when feasible. Consultations from $69.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Please visit my website at www.animalwhisperer.net
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
P. O. Box 2081, Redondo Beach, CA 90278
310-318-PETS (7387)
Stephanie specializes in “Soul to Soul” communication. She is a licensed veterinary technician with a doctorate in Metaphysics; therefore, she can assist you to find the answers from your furry/feathered friend. With over 30 years of experience spanning from Lions to Lizards she will utilize her diverse experience and education to help you attain insight and understanding of the situation you are facing. She will work as a team member with you, your veterinarian, trainer or groomer to find the core information from your pet.
Consultations: personal, phone and internet; lectures and workshops.
Specialties: death/dying, past life, behavior, pack dynamics, exotics.
Listening with the ear of the heart: Where our companion animals can reveal the “why” in a behavior”— most often the missing piece to the puzzle. Our animals’ emotional wellbeing is as vital as their physical health. Each animal and situation is unique.
Since 1995, Brigitte offers intuitive animal behavior consulting for animals and their people. She suggests creative, practical, solutions to eliminate mutual misunderstandings and to restore clarity, balance and wellbeing.
Brigitte consults in person in her home office in San Diego, CA and offers phone consults nationwide and international. French spoken.
Custom blend Flower Essences.
Compassionate interspecies communication and energetic support. Serve as interpreter for people and their animal companions. Advanced student of Teresa Wagner, Penelope Smith, Nobuyo Ishida, and Carla Meeske. B.S. in Zoology (biology with emphasis on ecology and animal behavior in the animals' natural habitat). Private practice since 2010.
- Animal Communication for all issues
- Hospice support for ill and aging animals and their families
- Grief support
- Energetic healing: shamanic, chakra balancing, Flower Essences
- Lectures and workshops
Consultations by phone, email, Skype, in-person, etc.
Attuned to Higher Soul Frequencies
Rohnert Park, CA
(518) 374-4388
Leiah combines her unique perception of the multidimensional energy in and around beings with her reception of animals’ emotions and thoughts as images, sounds, and as narrative in the animals’ own words. Specialties: helping rehabilitate animals through learning about their desires; long-distance energy work; journeys in non-ordinary reality to help animals reconnect with their vital life energy; animals who may be dying and who have passed over. Working from a photo reduces environmental interference, time, and money, but in-person sessions are possible. Creates Lightspeak SoulJourney Energy Portraits of animals and people.
Fauna Speak offerings include animal communication, a variety of workshops/events each month, mentorship, animal medicine, a monthly ‘Whale and Dolphin Circle’ and a community of animal kinship. Kristen works with animals and their humans worldwide. She has a heart for fostering soulful connection between people and their companion animals through detailed, enriching communication. She enjoys collaborating and learning from all societies on earth: flora, fauna, mineral and interrealm alike. Her offerings center on the idea that engaging the wildness within and around us brings us into balance with ourselves, each other and our world.
Instagram: @faunaspeak
Animal communication consultations, grief counseling, classes and mentoring. Specialist in healing trauma and grief support. Private practice since 1989. M.S. in Counseling Psychology. Author of Legacies of Love; Founder of the Animal Loss and Grief Support certification program. CD series and on demand webinars on animal communication, healing grief and whales: http://www.animalsinourhearts.com/store.html
My work is based on the assumption that we are soul peers with the animals of the earth, and that in seeking to understand and communicate with them, we learn who they really are and treat them accordingly, which they so mightily deserve.
Stacy Krafczyk is an Internationally known Animal Communicator Specialist, Intuitive Advisor, Medium and Reiki Master Teacher helping hundreds of thousands of animals and people over her 20 year career all over the world.
Stacy’s passion is working with both people and animals on a physical, emotional, & spiritual level to help create an overall sense of well being and soul healing.
Register for Stacy’s workshops and classes through her website. She also offers in-person and phone consultations, animal sanctuaries & barn visits, speaking engagements, private and group readings and more…
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
I help clients transform their animal relationships, using a mixture of animal communication, practical animal knowledge, and metaphysical practices like Emotional Freedom Technique and chakra clearing.
Sessions include communication and three practical tips to enhance connection. Animal clients show a stronger bond with people and other animals.
Book: https://petseyeview.com/
Social Media: Facebook group weekly chats: http://www.facebook.com/groups/petseyeview
Established 2012 Training: CWALU, EFT, multiple energy healing modalities, animal behavior.
Common issues:
•Behavior or Health
•Deceased Pets
•End of Life
•Lost Pets
www.OneHeartUniversity.com ; sandy@OneHeartUniversity.com 434-996-3595
Animal Communicator & Medium, Tellington TTouch Practitioner, Brennan Energy Healing & Reiki, Akashic Records Consultant, Hospice Doula, Sacred Money & Business Coach
Private Sessions
Get Free Centering Guided Meditation with your animals
Classes for Alerting Behaviors™ Jitter Busters for Pets™
Learn Animal Communication online & in-person
Experience Mustang Magic Medicine & Miracles™ Retreats
Personal growth & spiritual expansion for you, with your animals & business
Open through the portal of your heart. Learn with your animals. Open into new worlds. Get help with weird, challenging behaviors to find new solutions. Experience breakthroughs where you’ve been stuck.
Supporting people and their animals professionally since 1989.
I specialize in Animal Communication training and communicating with animals as teachers for personal growth and spiritual evolution.
In the Animal Communicator Academy, I will help you: Master beginning, intermediate and advanced animal communication skills. Breakthrough the blocks that are holding you back. Trust yourself and your intuition. Receive clear, accurate messages from animals. Join a safe, supportive, global community for learning.
My Animal Wisdom Circle will help you connect more deeply and intentionally with all animals as you bring more purpose and meaning to your life, living in a spiritual context as a divine being having a human experience.
michelegracemorrow.com, @michelegracemorrow, michelegracemorrow@gmail.com
My intention for you and your pet is to reveal that which is for the highest good for all involved. Through telepathic communication I ‘hold space’ for your pet in a non-judgmental and loving way. Results are a deeper understanding, and an increased bond between you and your pet.
My consultations facilitate healing around behavioral, stress related, grief, and medical issues. I offer animal communication to pets in spirit and for lost animals. I consider communicating with your pet as a sacred exchange. I offer Animal Reiki sessions and education, and Equine and Canine Hanna Somatic sessions and education.
Diana Delmonte Los Angeles, CA DianaDelmonte.com Behavior, End of Life, and In-spirit. Healing, workshops, books, and oracle cards.
Elizabeth Lee, MA Spiritual Psychology elizabethayerlee@gmail.com; www.elizabethayerlee.com Loving, heart-centered support through private sessions, on-line courses, and mentoring since 2012. Certified Reiki Master
Christine Sang Los Angeles, CA (646) 373-6935 and New York, NY christine@christinesang.com; www.AnimalAwakening.com Practical, spiritual, loving connection. Behavioral, physical, emotional, new family members. Assisting dying, passed-over. All species. Compassionate professional solutions since 2005.
skyandtheanimals@gmail.com or skyheartsong@gmail.com
Since 1999, I have communicated with animals of all species, living or in Spirit, for clients in 48 states and other countries. Sessions are done live by phone or Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. You can talk to more than one animal per session. We can work with animals on behavior issues, mystery illnesses, end of life issues and more. Animals have opinions about everything in their lives. Understanding how they feel emotionally and physically will deepen your relationship. You can also let your animals know about upcoming events and changes that will affect them.
Remember: They All Have Something To Say!
My aspiration is to facilitate deeper understanding and connection between the human and more than human world. One of my specialities is facilitating peace after transition (death, missing, or rehomed animal) when closure is needed. I also support humans and their animal companions to create "divine solutions" to behaviors that are obstructing harmonious living. During our session, I will offer an energy healing to your pet so they can deeply relax and feel held and supported.
Consultations available by phone or video. Recordings available upon request. 100% money back guarantee if you did not receive anything valuable from our session.
Animal Communication with Tracy Pierce
Tracy connects you with the thoughts and feelings of your animal friends so you can resolve pet problems and create more peace, harmony and understanding at home. She specializes in health, behavior, trauma and end-of-life issues.
Tracy serves as a translator, mediator and healer. She offers energetic healing when needed and is certified in BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (BEST). Sessions are conducted via Zoom and are recorded.
The best way to resolve pet problems and to deepen your bond with your animal friends is through Animal Communication.
Find over 100 Animal Communication videos on Tracy's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TracyPierce
cathy@animalmuse.com www.animalmuse.com
All Species Welcome
20+ years experience. Animal Communication Sessions internationally by phone/video and locally. Talk with your animal to receive answers in "real-time" about all aspects of their life: behavioral, physical, emotional, spiritual. I communicate with animals who are alive, have transitioned, or reincarnated. Senior/Hospice Support. Pet Loss Grief Counseling. Masters Counseling/Education.
15+ years Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner. Distant Reiki treatments internationally and locally.
Animal Communication, Animal Reiki, Animal-Guided Meditation classes. Private/group Mentoring, lectures, special events. Humane Educator, blogger, writer, and podcaster.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Bringing a lifetime of experience communicating with animals, Nedda is a powerful emotional empath, highly intuitive, sensitive, and insightful at multiple levels of consciousness. “My animals are my teachers; my horse came back as my cat.”
Telepathic “conference calls” possible with multiple companions. Live simultaneous translation, like at the United Nations. Your animals can hear your voice through Nedda.
“Together we create a loving, practical, wisdom-filled Plan-of-Action for you and your companions to implement. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve desired results.”
Certified Master of Multidimensional Energy Healing™, Certified Emotion Code™ Practitioner, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Starseed, Master Teacher.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Elaine DeCarlo Stratford, CT (203) 722-7075 reikiessence@elainedecarlo.com; www.elainedecarlo.com Communication with all animals, living, deceased. Specialized in Lost Pets and Crossed Over. Reiki Medical intuitive. Telephone and e-mail consultations.
Loli Jane is a Certified Professional Animal Communicator with The Gurney Institute of Animal Communication & Pranic Healer, with the Institute of Asian Studies. She is thrilled to be serving animals and their humans as an “interspecies communicator” with issues involving: behavioral, health, end of life, already passed, lost animals; past lives; and mirroring.
Loli has worked with the Honolulu Zoo, Wild Heart Sanctuary, Pacific Primate Sanctuary, and the Wildlife Waystation doing animal communication, volunteering or providing Pranic Healing, a non-touch distance healing technique to balance emotions and remove pain, injury, illness, disease, stress, trauma, while cleansing & energizing chakras.
A trained hospice chaplain as well as a medium, she works in the sacred plane where humans and their animals make difficult end of life decisions together, easing grief, and provides afterlife readings as well.
Lisa has been helpful in locating lost animals and identifying the root of behavioral mysteries and works with all species.
Readings by e-mail, phone, and in person. 754-249-9242 Reikidogs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TamiFridayOT Instagram: @tamifriday
Tami’s offerings include Animal Communication (for living and departed animals) and distance Energy Healing for pets, people and property. Tami has been connecting with animals ever since childhood, though more recently has followed the calling of her heart and soul to actively enhance the bond between animals and people. Her background as an Occupational Therapist and Reiki Master Teacher has helped her connect with animals and people with a kind and healing presence.
Sessions via phone, Zoom. Assistance with: health, emotional, behavioral, transitions, connections with animals in spirit. All species.
Michele Bustamante Tiyoweh Communications, Melbourne Beach, FL (919) 403-8243 michelemb@mindspring.com Consultations, workshops; Reiki M/T, TAT® Certified Pro; All species. All cases considered. Assisting to re-member our deep life connections. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Betty Lewis, RVT, Dr.A.N. Jacksonville, FL (978) 578-7247 betty@pawsreflect.com; Animal Communicator/Holistic Consultant; Worldwide phone consultations, energy healing. Author of Animals Speak! Since 1981.
Specializing in Lost Pets and Map Dowsing
Tim Link is an animal communicator, Reiki energy healer for animals, author of Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale and Talking with Dogs and Cats and a nationally syndicated radio show host on Pet Life Radio and iHeart Radio.
Private Services: Animal communication with all animal types, living or deceased; missing animals (including map dowsing); remote Reiki energy healing for animals; communication with animals that have transitioned; grief support associated with pet loss.
Tele-Workshops Offered: Animal Communication, Lost Animals, Finding Your Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Chakra Clearing, Energy Healing for Animals and more.
Tel: 404 255 4760 Cell: 404 667 3926.
philippa@healingpeopleandpets.com; www.healingpeopleandpets.com
Rescue Pets and Behavioral Issues / The Grieving Process
Philippa Kingsley is an animal communicator, author of Rising Above Grief for People and Pets (a true story of Love, Caring and Sharing), certified VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing practitioner, Angelic Guidance, Past Life Healer, Reiki Practitioner.
Specializing in rescue animals that have been adopted and have behavioral issues, she uses VortexHealing® to release all issues which are stored in the cellular system.
Transition from the physical body of a beloved animal companion is an emotional earthquake. Helping you with illness, loss and the grieving process, including communication with your beloved pet.
In practice since 2008, I provide a responsive, welcoming space in which to explore your animal companion’s hopes and needs. To encourage their growth and deepen your bond, I weave healing and communication together—negotiating, explaining, harmonizing. Exploring their emotional needs, past lives and unique personality, we clarify their perspective and life purpose.
- Behavior, events/changes, adoptions, partnership agreements
- Transitions, grief support, animals-in-spirit
- Restorative energy healing
- Space Clearings: Home/stable/vehicle
- Human healings/clairvoyant readings
Small-Group Classes: Live online/local certification courses with a spiritually-focused, creative atmosphere and a core focus on healthy energetic boundaries.
Pamela Wingedwolf Au Kaneohe, Hawaii (808) 781-9752 whitehorse@mtecom.net; http://wingedwolf.citymax.com Offering compassionate communications with all species, in body or in spirit.
Animal Communications and Intuitive Healing for over 15 years
Carol provides compassionate and insightful Consultations, along with Creator-based Energy Balancing, for all animal species. Assistance with emotional, behavioral, health, harmony, end-of-life, grief support, and connections with animals in spirit. Professional phone sessions, barn visits, and special events. Optional MP3 recordings. Gift certificates. Lectures, Basic/Advanced workshops.
Carol’s desire to assist animals and their human companions comes from an unexpected telepathic connection many years ago that she experienced with her feline companion, Panda.
Carol will help to enhance mutual understanding, deepen your bond, and expand your relationship, with your animal companion.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Animal communicator and shamanic practitioner Karen Craft, author of The Cosmic Purr, offers in-depth phone consultations to connect you with your beloved animal friends, both those living and in spirit.
Karen has worked as an intuitive mediator between humans and animals for over 12 years, helping hundreds of people gain a closer, more spiritual connection with their companion animals and Nature.
Behavior issues, energy balancing and distance healing, emotional aid for puppy mill survivors and abused/neglected animals, compassionate support for animals in transition. All species and multi-animal families welcome; reasonable rates.
Sondy Kaska P.O. Box 41, Iowa City, IA 52244-0041 (319) 354-7428 Phone and in-person consultations. Physical, emotional, behavioral, end of life transitions, animals in spirit. Reiki. Energy Healing. Flower Essences.
Ann M. Baumbach 6660 Licking Pike, Cold Spring, KY 41076 (859) 781-5546 annbaumbach1@twc.com Phone consults with all animals living and deceased. Home and barn visits. Flower essence practitioner. Reiki Master.
luluherself@gmail.com (413) 528-5501 animalstalk2me.wordpress.com
With over 20 years of experience, Linda has been connecting telepathically with pets. Working with separation anxiety, pooping and peeing, end of life consultations, emotional issues and transitions, Linda helps the human companions enjoy a closer connection with their pets.
Work is done at a distance by phone and email accompanied by a transcription. Linda gives insight, comfort and understanding to our deep loving relationships with our pets. On call for emergencies.
Linda works with animals WHILE THEY ARE AT THE VET, making them less anxious.
Author of Book: Look Who’s Talking: A Personal Journey Into Animal Communications
I believe pets do speak to us and that pet telepathy and mediumship create wonderful conditions for healing.
These activities also remind us of our love for pets and other dear ones.
Please email if you would like to do a session by phone, Skype, Face-Time or in-person. I've studied with two great Animal Communicators, Joanna Beth Seere and Dawn Allen.
I will read your pets for free if they are rescues.
Full-time professional animal communicator since 1998. Phone consultations available specializing in behavior and health issues. All species welcome.
Easy online booking for everyone! Once you become an established client you will have access to priority booking.
Also offering colorful, whimsical pet portraits. Check out my website to see examples of my work.
Books: The Art of Meditating with Cats, The Art of Meditating with Dogs, Animal Whispers: A four-week course in Animal Communication
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Brenda Cunliffe 59 Main Road, Westhampton, MA 01027-9679 (413) 527-1631 brenda@commiskey.biz; www.commiskey.biz Compassionate communication for all species to enhance a loving bond. Consultations for all situations: phone, e-mail. Gift certificates
Services for Animal Lovers and their Animals.
Nancy is an advanced spiritual teacher and intuitive consultant, offering Animal Communications and Healing, Personal Coaching and Mentoring for Intuitive and Spiritual development.
Nancy’s passion is serving you and your animals’ return to balance, wellbeing and expansion into greater happiness.
Nancy’s gifts of deep compassion and wisdom are combined with her comprehensive background and training as a Professional Animal Communicator, Holistic healer, Reiki Master/Teacher, Shamanic practitioner, and psychotherapist.
Emergency appointments, Lost Animals, Deceased animal consults welcomed.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
My background includes social work counselor, craniosacral therapist, shamanic practitioner, and professional animal communicator. It is my privilege to facilitate a conversation between you and your animals. I consider it sacred work and take a holistic, client-centered approach to problem solving and communication.
Services: Compassionate interspecies communication and counseling by phone including behavioral issues, trauma, adoption, major life changes, or assistance explaining medical procedures. Grief counseling, end of life issues and communication with transitioned animals. Flower essences consultation and treatment, as well as shamanic healing for animals. Three levels of animal communication classes offered.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Spring Lake, MI soultosoulac@gmail.com; soultosoulac.com
Connecting with animals of all species is my passion. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to communicate, problem solve and hold healing space in the form of Reiki with animals and their pet parents. I specialize in animals in spirit, end of life transitions and am a certified animal Reiki practitioner.
Cultivating understanding/Harmony - it is important for me to represent the animal’s viewpoint
Animals in spirit
End of life/Transitioning
Fear & abandonment issues
Grieving pet after loss of loved one
Behavioral issues
Since 2006, helping people expand their innate abilities.
Kim is a professional communicator, instructor, author and speaker offering basic and advanced animal communication Zoom and in-person classes. Small classes provide ideal learning environment. Students join our Animal Heart & Soul Communication Community at no charge. Advanced students attend monthly complimentary call and access recordings.
Specializing in Rainbow Bridge consultations.
Deepen your skills with our Animal Heart & Soul Professional Communicator, Spirit World Ambassador/Mediumship, Extraterrestrial Ambassador and Animal Wellness Coach classes and programs.
Offering consciousness expansion Heart & Soul Learning Center, Sacred Horse Experiences and Call of the Wolf Retreats.
For over 20 years, Kristina has been working as a professional horsewoman, Interspecies Relationship Counselor, Canine and Equine Bodyworker and Wisdom of the Horse Workshop leader.
Kristina specializes in being an open and clear intuitive channel supporting healthy interspecies relationships. Through open communication with our animal companions we can uncover underlying issues that contribute to physical disease, behavioral issues and emotional imbalance ~ ultimately finding healing.
Through Kristina’s expert guidance, animals and their people are able to open the channels that allow healing, love, energy and awareness to flow.
Please reach out with any questions!
Phone consultations available worldwide.
Diane O’Callahan, M.Ed. Animal Answers, 88 South Road, North Hampton, NH 03862 (603) 964-7387 Cell (603) 770-6625 docallahan77@gmail.com; www.animalanswers.us Intuitive and telepathic conversations to receive answers from animals passed/present for counseling/healing, behavioral, spiritual and emotional/health concerns.
Communication between you and your pet via phone or in-person.
Basic, advanced & business distance courses & private coaching
Energy Work & Essential Oils Consultations
Nationally board certified small animal massage & acupressure practitioner (NBCAAM)
The Animal Intuitive Show - YouTube, Facebook & major Podcast channels
Free Animal Communication Meditation & Essential Oils E-Book on website
Having a background as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with specialized experience in trauma, grief and stress means that clients often indicate that I connect with them and their animals in a special way.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Nancy is an internationally recognized animal communicator and interspecies communication teacher. She teaches courses and training programs in interspecies communication and Reiki for both lay people and those who wish to practice professionally, and provides animal communication consultations and professional mentoring for clients and practitioners worldwide.
Professional Training Programs:
Animal Communication Training and Certification Program
Reiki for All Species Training Program
Nancy’s life’s work is to create deeper harmony, understanding, and healing on our planet through interspecies communion, connection, and communication.
Free Basics of Animal Communication Class available on Nancy’s website.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Ms. Squittieri has made such a difference in the lives of animals and their humans. With over 19
years' experience teaching others how to be of service through Animal Communication and Reiki, Susan has brought about positive change for improved health and relations.
Her long distance and in-person sessions provide healing support during your animals most challenging situation. Susan is compassionate, practical, and dedicated to her soul work.
Contact Susan for: resolving food, health, and behavioral issues, understanding family dynamics, quality of life, lost animals, assistance in Illness, injury, or end of life, supporting rescued animals, afterlife communication, and veterinarian support.
Professional animal communicator, teacher, mentor and coach.
Offering consultations, personal coaching/mentoring, teleclasses and webinars, independent study courses, and in-person classes.
Heart 2 Heart with Animals is the premier school for learning animal communication certification as a professional in the field, or for your own life enrichment through developing deeper communication with animals and nature.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Catherine Ferguson (201) 433-7955 petpsychic7@yahoo.com; www.cfergusonconsult.com Consultations in-person or by phone, for living and deceased, lectures, workshops, flower essences, Reiki Master.
Dawn Hayman 3364 State Route 12, Clinton, NY 13323 (315) 737-9339 www.springfarmcares.org
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Animal Communicator, Reiki Master, Mentoring. Soul Journeys and Intuitive Counseling for people.
Rain is a professional animal communicator dedicated to helping people deepen their connection and understanding of their animal companions. She offers phone consultations nationally for all species, also deceased.
Providing insightful and compassionate services to assist you and your animals in understanding and resolving concerns with behavior, relationships, emotional, health and transitions. Specializing in human/animal spiritual connections.
This work is my joy and passion and I look forward to being of service to you and your animal companions.
I have been in practice 16 years offering phone and in person sessions. Client issues range from horses training for upper level dressage tests to animals who has been scared away by a neighbor's dog. Sessions begin with a chat with your animal friend to determine personality (I need to know I've got the right friend!) and then I will ask them how they’re feeling in their body.
Areas of focus: Lost animals/injured or hard to diagnose animals/animals in spirit.
Workshops, Seminars, fund raisers and private tutoring available. Information on events, pricing and availability visit: www.dianesamsel.com.
Consultations and Education 922 Kanuga Road, Henderson, NC 828-595-2285
admin@gurneyinstitute.org; https://www.gurneyinstitute.com/
Offering consultations by Carol Gurney and Institute Certified Associates for physical, behavioral, lost animal and end of life. Carol specializes in Animals as Our Mirrors and Past Lives consultations.
Carol's teachings are available through online video conferencing, teleconferences, digital videos, cds: "Beginner's Guide to AC", "Exercises & Meditations", "Past Lives", "Animals as Mirrors", "Lost Animals", "End of Life" and Carol's book "The Language of Animals: 7 Steps to Communicating with Animals".
Since 1986 Carol has taught worldwide. "I feel very blessed that I have the opportunity to share this work and see lives changed for so many people and animals."
Eileen Leskovec Cleveland, OH (440) 537-8610 Eileen@TheAnimalsTellMe.com; www.TheAnimalsTellMe.com Detailed consultations on behavior, training, health, aging, afterlife, general understanding. All species, living and in spirit; worldwide via email.
Jacquelin Smith 107 E. Stanton Ave., Columbus, OH 43214 (614) 436-8831 jacquelinsmith@jacquelinsmith.com; www.jacquelinsmith.com Consultations. Behavior, emotional/physical healing, dying/death/spirit contact, soul retrieval, lost animals. Bach flowers. Book, Lectures, Workshops, Apprenticeship program.
7327 SW Barnes Rd, #308, Portland, OR 97225, 971-404-6683 jennifer@bestpetfriend.com, www.bestpetfriend.com
Want to know what your pet friend is thinking and feeling? I provide consultations to discover reasons for your pet friend's behaviors and to bring more awareness and understanding into the relationship.
People usually talk to their pet friends yet often wonder whether the animals are receiving their messages and what messages the animals are sending back to them!
By scheduling a consultation with me, I can be a bridge between you and your pet friend to answer questions, find solutions, deliver messages and negotiate behavior changes. Take the guesswork out of things and contact me for an appointment now!
Internationally renown Animal Communicator and best selling Author who works with all species of animals ranging from dogs to ducks, horses to hawks, and guinea pigs to geese!
Heidi is currently appearing on hit TV shows in Japan, did a series in South Korea, and has appeared on TV in the USA, on "L.A. Ink" with Kat Von D, and the Dr. Phil show.
Jennifer G. Parks 7327 SW Barnes Rd, #308, Portland, OR 97225 (971) 404-6683 jennifer@bestpetfriend.com, www.bestpetfriend.com Animal Communication services to help discover reasons for your pets' behaviors and bring more awareness and understanding into the relationship.
Serving life! Karen is an international telepathic communicator for people, personal, or animals – heartbeat or in-spirit.
Offers: compassionate phone sessions, gallery, lectures, workshops, holographic healing, transitional/bereavement.
Creation Connection Courses: Animal, Earth, Soul, Spirit.
Background: registered nurse, certified consulting hypnotist, minister, shaman, psychic/medium/medical intuitive, holographic healing.
Featured: magazines, newspapers, books, radio, television. Karen is the first to teach animal communication in the largest U.S. Pet Expo NE
Author: Silent Voices Hidden Wisdom 2017
The web of life connects us as we travel different spiritual pathways to the Divine within us.
Cindy has always had a close affinity, love and respect for animals and has been communicating with them all her life.
She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Unlimited Rainbow Animal Haven, Pennsylvania.
In addition to animal communication, Cindy also completed coursework in Animal Psychology; is an Ordained Minister, Reiki Master, Master Herbalist, Magnified Healing Master, has completed training
in Healing Touch for Animals, and offers those modalities for helping animals as well.
Cindy is available for phone consultations with animals living and in spirit (not lost pets at this time), workshops, private events/parties.
Phone consultations. All species. All issues/situations. Communication coaching and workshops.
Specializing in equine and canine training issues, interspecies relationships, rehabilitation from emotional/physical trauma, hospice care and end-of-life transition.
By learning how animals perceive pictures/feelings that accompany our words, we can maximize understanding of and empathy for one another.
My background includes many years as a professional horse person and veterinary nurse as well as participation in activities/competition with my dogs. Undergraduate degree in physics/math and graduate coursework in computer science. Other areas of study/training include counseling, massage therapy, and Sanskrit language/literature.
Anita Curtis P.O. Box 182, Gilbertsville, PA 19525 (610) 327-3820 amicom@aol.com; www.anitacurtis.com Consultations by phone. Lectures. Workshops. Books. Gift certificates available. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Elizabeth Severino 344 Templar Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (856) 582-1700 http://www.elizabethseverino.com. Consultations by phone/video. Internationally known leader in interspecies telepathic communication and advanced energy healing for animals and people.
Danielle Tremblay Leicht Greenville, SC (864) 840-8225 www.insightwithanimals.com; www.LearntoTalkwithAnimals.com Phone sessions with all species, living or passed. Private 1:1 training, in-person classes, distance learning and online student practice. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
"People come to me with their animal problems, then I help the animals with their people problems."
Heart Wisdom Methods of Communication
Pet Problem Solving & Intuitive Scanning
Soul Repair, Body & Spirit 12D Healing 30 Day Intensive
In the Heart School of Animal Communication® I focus on honing your intuitive skills for better results, including doing inner healing so you don't misinterpret messages.
Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club® for Advanced & Professional Communicators
Online global community developing ALL your intuitive abilities, Live Q&A, Masterclasses & more.
Professional Practitioner Training/Mentoring
FREE eBook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating
FREE eWorkbook: Be a Better Communicator
Jeannie Lindheim P.O. Box 659, Woodstock, VT 05091 (617) 633-6338 jeannielindheim@gmail.com; www.youranimalspeaks.com Compassionate practical consultations and problem solving with all species. Behavior, emotional, physical, death/dying and beyond. Reiki. Phone and in-person. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Kate Solisti PO Box 831, Rutland, VT 05702 katesolisti@gmail.com; www.katesolisti.com;. www.myharmonypack.com YouTube channel: "Kinship with Animals." Internationally known Communicator since 1992, author of 7 books in 9 languages, Pack Leader of the Harmony Pack, and more.
Julie Soquet 2318 Richmond Rd., Hinesburg, VT 05461 (802) 999-9028 julie@juliesoquet.com; www.juliesoquet.com Phone consultations for long distance emotional, spiritual healing, better understanding of animal behavior, communication through and after death experience.
Janet is an animal communication teacher/practitioner, Reiki teacher/practitioner, trained in the field of Bio-energy; Bach Flower essences, TTouch, small animal massage, acupressure, essential oils for animals and humans, Traditional Japanese Reiki and has degrees in education, Music performance and Broadcasting.
Janet offers courses and training programs in animal communication and Reiki for humans and animals, teleclasses and private coaching/mentoring for students and practitioners. Everyone has their own unique way of receiving telepathic communication. Discover what yours are as you deepen your heart to heart and soul to soul connection with animals and all that is.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
holli@compassionspeaks.com, www.compassionspeaks.com
Holli is an animal communicator and pet loss grief counselor who has degrees in Speech Communication, and a certification in pet loss grief counseling. She has been practicing animal communication since 2006. Her pet loss grief counseling certification was obtained in June 2020 from the Animal Loss and Grief Support Institute.
All clients are offered a safe, non-judgmental space. Whether the appointment is for animal communication or grief counseling, everyone is treated with compassion, understanding and dignity. Appointments are held by phone, e-mail, or teleconference. She also offers basic instruction in animal communication (in person only).
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Focusing on the human – animal connection
Nicole is an author, artist and professional animal communicator. She communicates with all animal species living or crossed over. She provides verifiable first impressions, which authenticates the connection with your animal. Nicole’s sessions provide solutions and information from the animal’s perspective that are healing for human and animal. Nicole is an expert speaker at the Edgar Cayce’s ARE Paws & Whispers Pet Communication ConFURRence and Soul Paintings Soul Painting Workshop
Consultations by phone, zoom, or in-person. A recording will be made available to the client.
Author of Colors of Consciousness, Twenty-Five Soul Paintings, Volume 1, available where books are sold.
I work with people who are concerned about their pet's unsolved health and behavioral issues; I help their pets achieve happy, healthy, lives. I also help with end-of-life issues, and contact pets who've already passed. I've been practicing professionally for over 20 years. People frequently call me because nothing has previously worked, and they feel frustrated or stuck. They're looking for a fresh approach and peace of mind.
Subspecialties include helping "rescues" recover from anxiety/trauma, and pets acting out psychological issues. I also provide energetic healing treatments and practical information regarding helpful changes clients can make themselves.
Phone, Skype, Zoom 360-686-9886 (landline no texting)
I am an Interspecies Animal Communicator, Teacher, Mentor, Speaker who is passionate about helping create more loving, joyful, fulfilling relationships with our animal friends and deeper connections with Nature. Often giving clients a new perspective about themselves and this precious, magical world we live in! Your Satisfaction Guaranteed.
I help with Behaviors, Training, Improving Health, End of Life Decisions, Mentoring, Lost Animals, Vacation Communications, Presentations for Groups, Healing and Energy Cleansing.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Sage Animal
Dr. LaShelle Easton is both a licensed veterinarian and animal communicator, and draws extensively on her knowledge of medicine and animal behavior during sessions.
A gifted intuitive, LaShelle helps people understand their animals on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level. She offers a compassionate, balanced approach to communication, and loves helping animals and people deepen their connection.
Common issues:
• Behavior
• Health
• Diet
• Major life changes
• End of life
• Deceased pets
• Anxiety
• Grief
LaShelle communicates with animals of all species, and is available for phone sessions worldwide.
Telepathic Animal Communicator, Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher.
Specializing in emotional, mental and spiritual issues including behavioral, fear and anxiety, end of life concerns and animals who have transitioned.
Connecting by phone or on Zoom. Available for personal consultations, speaking engagements and workshops.
My Mission is to help strengthen the bond between animals and their human families. Creating a safe environment to communicate and advocate the needs and desires for animals and their guardians. Guiding animals and people in creating huge shifts in their lives on a deep soulful and cellular level.
Asia Voight is an Internationally-known Animal Communicator, Intuitive Counselor for people, Teacher, Speaker and Author. Throughout an eighteen-year practice, she has assisted over 70,000 animal and human clients.
Asia’s work has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox TV as well as countless radio shows. Asia is a published author in five books: Pearls of Wisdom with Jack Canfield, Extraordinary YOU, Divine Moments, Miracles Happen with Brian Weiss and 365 Days Of Angel Prayers.
Asia is available for keynote speaking, magazine, radio, and TV interviews. Register for Asia’s classes on her website.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Animal Communicator, Reiki Master Teacher
https://www.wellnessbyintention.com; joanpape02@gmail.com
Over 20 years of experience in Animal Communication, Reiki, and Pet Loss Companioning. I bring a synergistic skill set providing balance between people and their animal companions. I am passionate about receiving animals’ feelings through their shared images, voices and thoughts.
It is my honor to address behaviors, relationships, emotional and spiritual concerns to enhance your bond with your animals. When energies are balanced all involved can feel peace and joy!
Animal communication via phone, Zoom or in person with pets alive or deceased. I can provide in-person barn visits in south/central Wisconsin. Remote Reiki sessions internationally and locally.
Better Pets. Better People. Better Planet.™
Animal Communication (Living/End of Life/Deceased)
Animal Hospice Consulting
Creature Comfort Choir -“We sing for animals in need." Sacred songs emailed or texted worldwide.
Tellington TTouch® Training (Pet Behavior/Wellness)
Life Coaching (Individuals/Couples)
Shamanic Healing (People/Animals)
Intuitive Readings (Living/Deceased People)
Ceremony Facilitation (People/Animals)
“My passion is guiding all creatures to find and embrace their true essence and to live a fulfilling life of love, joy and passion.”
Phone/Skype sessions worldwide. (First 10 minutes free for new clients!) In-person sessions and workshops also available.
Keri’s passion, life journey and education has led her down the road of studying quantum physics - consciousness and all things unseen - where true healing began to unfold between the Animals and their Humans!
My intention and mission is to help YOU recognize & develop this communication within YOU! Side effect = Balanced, healthier, & happier relationships. Ask about our FREE mini Coaching session.
Animal Communication
Lost Animals
End of Life
Quantum Healing
Contact: (403) 609-5510 keri@sacredkinship.com www.sacredkinship.com
I have formally studied and worked with the animal realm for the past 40 years. My first animal communication teacher was the wonderful Barbara Janelle . I also have a veterinary medical background, which allows me a more intimate knowledge of the animal mind and body.
I work internationally, using a photo of the animal, offering energy assessments, trauma release work, validation of the souls that have passed over and much more. I have a strong belief in person responsibility, and strive to serve my clients, both animal and people to the highest level possible.
Sue Becker 272 Grand River Blvd., Kitchener, Ontario N2A 3H4 (519) 896-2600 suebecker@cyg.net Behavioral, emotional, spiritual issues and healing. Deceased animals. Registered Practitioner of Bach Flower Remedies and Tellington TTouch. Consultations, lectures, workshops. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
Lynda Yelle Ste-Adèle, Québec 450-553-3745 info@lyndayelledolittle.com; www.lyndayelledolittle.com International Animal Communicator, Consultations all situations,Teacher, Coach, Holistic Consultant. Communicatrice animale internationale, Consultations, toutes situations, Formations, Coach, Consultante Holistique.
Daniela Camino www.interespecies.com, interespecies@gmail.com; interespeciescolombia@gmail.com; Animal communication since 2003, healings (humans and animals), teaching teachers and professional AC in México and Latin America in-person/online. (Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
"I cannot imagine a life without animals! Over the years I have had the privilege of caring for many different species, including eighteen years with a world breeding program for a rare species of South American monkey."
Denise is a Professional Animal Communicator and Animal Reiki Practitioner, offering compassionate, insightful communication. She treasures the uniqueness of each animal she communicates with and can convey what your animal companion has to share about their life. From general to more specific questions regarding their well being.
All species welcome!
Consultations are available via Skype, phone, WhatsApp.
Jane Summers Norfolk, England. UK talktotheanimals@btinternet.com; www.talktotheanimals.co.uk Professional Speaker / Lecturer, Tutor & Practitioner specialising in Remote (Distance) Telepathic Animal Communication internationally. Interspecies research sessions. Animals in spirit.
Franziska Matti Bern, Switzerland, Phone 0041 79 358 28 08, www.tierkommunikatorin.ch Phone consultations, basic and advanced animal communication courses in German and French; also online with Zoom, Reiki master animal healing.
Cathy Collin Athens, Greece http://www.animalcommunication.gr/ Animal Communicator, Psychologist: general consultation (behavior issues, lost animals, dealing with death) E-mail or Skype consultation
Specializing in acute physical conditions, grief, traumas, senior animals, and Rainbow-Bridge journeys.
Way of Artemis Dehradun, India
idee@wayofartemis.com; https://artemisanimalhealing.com
-Animal Communication
-Scalar Wave Healing
-Shamanic Healing
-EFT Tapping
-Animal Reiki
-Meridian Breathwork
Idee is a CWALU-trained animal communicator, intuitive energy healer, Shamanic practitioner, and Animal Reiki teacher. She offers intuitive energy healing sessions in partnership with her spirit allies. Idee teaches animal communication at CWALU, as part of her training program.
"My passion is helping animals live to their fullest potential free from physical and emotional distress.”
Zoom calls worldwide. Start with a 15-minute complimentary discovery call.
Dr. Parul Chaudhri, founder of Humans of Animal Land, bridges the gap between humans and animals through Soul-Level Animal Communication®. She addresses behavioral issues, health concerns, and uncover deeper bonds and lessons that your animals bring up.
Parul's readings reveal the soul lessons your pet is teaching you and why they're in your life. Whether your pet is exhibiting aggression, anxiety, or you're grieving a loss, Dr. Chaudhri’s readings bring insight, healing, and guidance to deepen your connection and understanding with your pet.
Akshaya V. Kawle, Siddhachal Phase 1, Thane West, Maharashtra, India +91-9768147457 (Text messages only) www.animalcommunication.in; akshaya@animalcommunication.in; www.youtube.com/animalcommunicationbyakshaya Consultations and courses. Communication with animals, plants, landscapes (change management, behavior, health, grief). Author: Animal Communication (Available on Amazon)
Thomas Cheng Hong Kong, China itguythomas@gmail.com; http://www.isac.hk Thomas promotes and teaches animal communication with a focus on Science. Offers consultations and classes. Speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
(Trained to teach Penelope Smith's animal communicator course/s)
www.animalconnect.com.au; christina@animalconnect.com.au
English, German, Dutch
“To connect with animals is my gift! To pass on their messages to the world is my mission.”
Christina combines her unique skills with a deep knowledge in animal communication and gestalt therapy, which provides a truly fruitful unique experience to you and your animal. Since 2009 she communicated with thousands of animal beings internationally, trained the next generation of animal communicators and hosted transformational retreats. Christina supports you in building a deeper connection with animal beings and shares her experience on how to live your life from your inner core.
trisha@animaltalk.com.au; www.animaltalk.com.au/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/trisha.mccagh
Trisha is an internationally renowned animal communicator, educator, speaker, healer and author of "Stories from the Animal Whisperer.”
Trisha’s work has been featured on TV broadcasts across 40 countries, guest speaker at the Australian Veterinary Conference and other international conferences, radio, magazines, newspapers both nationally and internationally
Trisha founded the Animal Talk Institute which offers a 12-month Animal Communication Certification program. The program hosts students worldwide.
george@wildvoices.com.au; http://www.wildvoices.com.au
I specialise in distance Interspecies Communication and I work with people and their animals all over the world (by phone or online).
My sensitivity and finely tuned intuition enhance my ability to connect and communicate with your animals, so I provide you with highly accurate and skilled Animal Communication services.
I can also support you and your animal during difficult emotional times.
I volunteer my services for animal sanctuaries and rescue organizations. I also have ways to work with you if you’re struggling financially. Please contact me for more information.
I’m available to work with lost and missing animals.
Contact: www.connecttoanimals.com Email: connecttoanimals@gmail.com
I work remotely with animals around the world, living/deceased, specialising in passed pets. I'm an animal medium/communicator and Certified Usui Animal Reiki Practitioner.
I have worked with animals for many years but communicated with them all my life. I work by pure spirit to spirit communication, with no need for any divination tools. My aim is to bridge the gap between animals and owners, which strengthens the bond between the two. I bring through the animal's message, in their words.
Animal Communicators, Search & Rescue, and Web Resources
Animal Communicators can telepathically communicate with missing animals at a distance, no matter your location. See animal communicator websites, e-mail or call them for information on how they work and their rates.
The animal communicators included in this resource list are also listed on the animal communicator directory on this page or had a listing previously.
Articles about finding lost animals: how it is done and what you can expect.
Dana Miller Coburn Tucson, AZ/ Los Angeles, CA (520) 578-0328; (626) 536-7001 www.whatanimalstellus.com
Diana Del Monte, Los Angeles, CA (323) 344-8322 www.DianaDelMonte.com
Carol Gurney, Agoura, CA (818) 597-1154 www.animalcommunicator.net
Pet's Eye View Kara, Southern California (949) 282-3506
Suzan Vaughn, San Luis Obispo, CA (805) 540-9520 http://www.animalwhisperer.net/
Elizabeth Anglin, Ridgway, CO (970) 708-4838 www.elizabethanglin.com
Elaine DeCarlo, Norwalk, CT (203) 722-7075 www.elainedecarlo.com
Loli Jane (954) 303-9585 lolijaneanimalcommunication@gmail.com; animals-speak.com
Lisa Shaw (754) 249-9242 Reikidogs.com
Tim Link, Cumming, GA (404) 422-6355 www.wagging-tales.com
Nancy Marsh, Drummond Island, MI 906-493-5664 nancygmarsh@yahoo.com
New York
Kristin Hadley, Newfane, NY (716) 778-6233 www.communicatewithanimals.com
Susan J. Squittieri, Valley Cottage, NY (845) 512-8389 https://twobearhealingarts.com/
North Carolina
Diane Samsel, Tryon, NC (828) 859-5912 www.powerpaws.com
Jonquil Williams (941) 321-8484 www.Animalhealings.com
Jacquelin Smith,Columbus, OH (614) 436-8831 www.jacquelinsmith.com
Ali Amato, Kirkland, WA (206) 755-8152 ali@animalheavenandearth.com; http://animalheavenandearth.com
Morgine Jurdan (360) 686-9886 (landline no texting) Phone, Skype, Zoom morgine@tds.net https://communicationswithlove.com
Ann Heinrich (715) 222-7118 www.speakingtoanimals.com
Keri Davis, Alberta (403) 609-5510 www.sacredkinship.com
Cathy Collin Athens, Greece http://www.animalcommunication.gr/
George Wright Jindabyne, NSW wildvoices@outlook.com; http://www.wildvoices.com.au
Dr. Parul Chaudhri https://humansofanimalland.com/
https://findingrover.com// FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY helps find your dog. Get notified when users contact you. Neighbors notified via phone.
http://www.petnotice.com/ Free and low cost, volunteer operated, lost and found pet service.
http://www.lostmydoggie.com Helping you find your dog.
https://www.pawmaw.com/ Reunites lost and stray pets to their guardians
https://shadowapp.com/ Free app for lost & found dogs
Dog & Cat Identification
www.help4pets.com www.homeagain.com
Deborah Cooke. Missing Pets Detective, LLC 480 751-9700 http://missingpetdetectives.com/Missing_Pet_Detectives/Home.html
Carl Washington, Pet Detective 1006 Hunters Glen, Hephzibah, GA 30815 Georgia # 706-792-1854 Office # 706-796-8126 Virginia # 703-960-9596 Cell 706-339-2418 petdetective04@yahoo.com; http://www.petdetectiveusa.com/ (does some charity work)
Harry Oakes Jr.. Lost Animal Search and Rescue (and people) P.O. Box #1472, Longview, Washington 98632 (503) 705-0258 Outside Oregon (360) 414-8093 searchdog@tdn.com www.k9sardog.com
Melodie Pugh, Pet Detective (licensed and bonded) 360-373-4218 www.pet-detective.com
The Lost Cat Finder, Kim Freeman, Cat Detective Austin, Texas 78620 www.LostCatFinder.com http://austincatdetective.blogspot.com
My vision: People recovering their ability to communicate with other species—realizing it is within them and can be remembered, recognized, practiced, and developed. Exchanging thoughts and feelings telepathically with other species bringing rich realizations and positive change. People living more fulfilling lives as they walk on Earth with other species and all life in mutual understanding and compassion. All beings and Mother Earth enjoying this deep connection.