100% of the fees received from animal communicator listings and ads are donated to organizations that help animals and the environment, bettering all life on Earth.
CODE OF ETHICS for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators
Formulated in 1990 by Penelope Smith
Our motivation is compassion for all beings and a desire to help all species understand each other better, particularly to help restore the lost human ability to freely and directly communicate with other species.
We honor those who come to us for help, not judging, condemning, or invalidating them for their mistakes or misunderstanding but honoring their desire for change and harmony.
We know that to keep this work as pure and harmonious as possible requires that we continually grow spiritually. We realize that telepathic communication can be clouded or overlaid by our own unfulfilled emotions, critical judgments, or lack of love for self and others. We walk in humility, willing to recognize and clear up our own errors in understanding others’ communication (human and non-human alike).
We cultivate knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human, non-human, and interspecies behavior and relationships, to increase the good results of our work. We get whatever education and/or personal help we need to do our work effectively, with compassion, respect, joy, and harmony.
We seek to draw out the best in everyone and increase understanding toward mutual resolution of problems. We go only where we are asked to help, so that others are receptive and we truly can help. We respect the feelings and ideas of others and work for interspecies understanding, not pitting one side against another but walking with compassion for all. We acknowledge the things that we cannot change and continue where our work can be most effective.
We respect the privacy of people and animal companions we work with, and honor their desire for confidentiality.
While doing our best to help, we allow others their own dignity and help them to help their animal companions. We cultivate understanding and ability in others, rather than dependence on our ability. We offer people ways to be involved in understanding and growth with their fellow beings of other species.
We acknowledge our limitations, seeking help from other professionals as needed. It is not our job to name and treat diseases, and we refer people to veterinarians for diagnosis of physical illness. We may relay animals’ ideas, feelings, pains, symptoms, as they describe them or as we feel or perceive them, and this may be helpful to veterinary health professionals. We may also assist through handling of stresses, counseling, and other gentle healing methods. We let clients decide for themselves how to work with healing their animal companions’ distress, disease, or injury, given all the information available.
The goal of any consultation, lecture, workshop, or interspecies experience is more communication, balance, compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings. We follow our heart, honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One.
Directory Listing Fees
New or renewal for one year
Basic = $75
Enhanced = $160
The basic listing includes a description of services (after and not including your name and address information) of up to 20 words, and the enhanced listing includes up to 100 words description of services (after and not including your name and address information) and a photo of you with or without an animal friend.
Pay through this PayPal link:
or use
Display Ads
E-mail ad to penelope@animaltalk.net
as a 300x300 pixel photo
$330 for one year
300x700 pixel (2 column wide) photo
$700 for one year
on the Animal Communicator directory page
Pay through this PayPal link:
or use
Directory Testimonials
This is the most effective advertising I purchase for my Animal Communication business. And when I'm out of town, and need to refer, I point my clients to the AC Directory for a list of Animal Communicators that abide by a Code of Ethics. Suzan Vaughn
The listing has brought me many clients over the years. Thank you. Susan Squittieri
The listing was up on Monday and I received my first client via the directory from Finland on Wednesday! Thanks very much. Susannah Kingston
I wanted to thank you again for including me in your directory. I get SO many referrals from your web site - people from all over the US and from other countries, too. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to help so many people and animals from all over the world. Sky Heartsong
I get more clients from your website and referrals than the other places I spend my very limited advertising budget. I ALWAYS recommend people advertise with you FIRST of all! Morgine Jurdan
I have enjoyed the attention of many clients since appearing on your site! Crystal Ashley
A huge number of clients come to me through the directory at www.animaltalk.net. Thank you for continuing to offer this. Janet Dobbs
Thanks for this service. I receive requests for animal communication sessions that leads to repeat clients and referrals! Diane O’Callahan
The directory continues to be the best place to spend advertising dollars. Suzan Vaughn
It's really amazing to me that most of the calls I get are not only from your directory, but they're from people nowhere near where I am! I ask people how they chose me, and they say that my description of my services just felt right. I am grateful for the opportunity you afford to be of this wonderful service, even when it's for a lost animal who is not about to be found, or found ensouled. Leiah Bowden
I love being included in your directory and I'm amazed by how many people find me that way! Thank you so much for all the good things you do. Jamie Vaughn
I hear often from people using your site, so this is a really good investment. Thank you! Linda Clayton
My listing on your website has been very effective! I have had clients now from Holland, Greece, and Australia find me through your listing, many of which have multiple animals and have returned for multiple consultations.
Thank you again for pioneering such an amazing awakening for us all. You must hear this all of the time. I recently watched your interview on the Earthfire institute and continue to be inspired. Jenni Madison
Thanks for continuing to offer this service, I frequently receive calls from my listing. I so love doing this work! It's such a joy in my life and I will always be so grateful to you for your wisdom and support. Rain Hummingbird
I have had GREAT success with being listed in your directory and have had a bunch of very happy customers! Sage Lewis
My deepest gratitude to you again for having this directory. Not only that, but the enhanced listing has paid for itself over, and over, and over again! Anytime when I ask a new client how they found me, they mention the Animal Communicator Directory.
Thank you so much from the depths of my heart for not only the directory, but also being the pioneer of this field and teaching us and showing us the way. Holli Shan
How grateful I am for all of the wonderful clients that have come my way via your site. So many lovely people and their animal friends I've had the opportunity to meet and be of service to. Thank you for making that possible! Toria Thompson
I continue to receive many referrals -- and requests for gift certificates -- from people who have seen my ads in your directory. Thank you for continuing to make the directory available to spread the word about animal communication. I'm grateful to be a part of the AnimalTalk family! Sky Heartsong