Master Wizard Sherman
Master Animal Teachers and Dimensional Travel
A two-part seminar February 23 and March 30, 2011
Lynn McKenzie's Animal Communication, Intuition and Healing MasterMindSeries
Part 1 - Master animal teachers are individuals who have extraordinary presence, a potent grasp of higher and deeper realities beyond physical reality, a wisdom, serenity, and love that can be strongly seen and felt by others, and who live in a way that demonstrates levels of higher evolution possible for us all.
Penelope relates experiences she has had of master animal teachers, such as dolphins, whales, birds, and cats, consciously traveling through dimensions. Particularly intriguing is a recent experience with orange tabby cat, Oliver, who was sent to her by her former orange tabby, Master Wizard Sherman. Their collaboration in an adventure of remarkable traveling, physically and otherwise, brings science fiction down to Earth.
In this teleseminar, Master Sherman made a moving appearance, transmitting a pyramid of golden energy to the whole group to accelerate our ability to travel through dimensions. The cellular ripples were extraordinary, to say the least. Sherman indicated he wanted to further teach us about dimensional travel, answer our questions, and do exercises to further our ability, so we went on to part 2
Always lovely to hear your voice and feel your and the Master Wizard's energy. Of course, you are both Master Wizards and I feel blessed to know you. Thanks again from all of us and we look forward to part tow. I just realized I had a healing, and everything around me looks a little transparent, wow! M.B.
I was on the conference call with Penelope last night and something really amazing happened during the call. I was listening to the call on speaker phone and my cat, Laura, was sitting on my lap listening with me quite intently. Of course, Laura isn't just any cat; she was my Great Pyrenees, Bertha, in her last lifetime who always loved cats. Bertha was a pure white dog but we always marveled at her ability to literally disappear into the darkness of the night. We used to tease around and say that Bertha was a magician who could appear and disappear at will. At that time I knew nothing of animal communication and certainly not dimensional travel. I have only started animal communication in the last year or so and still consider myself a beginner. Some days a lot more comes through to me than other days. So you can imagine my surprise when I hear my cat, Laura, tell me that when she was Bertha she was popping in and out of a portal on our land when she was disappearing in front of us. I proceeded to have a wonderful conversation with her, the best one every. I think being on the conference call was giving me a real telepathic boost and making me much more open, so a big thank you to Sherman! I know that my cat is a shaman energy being, as is one of my horses. This particular horse has been trying to get me to walk our land slowly and thoughtfully, one square foot at a time, but I never seem to find the time. I'll bet this is why he wants me to do this. I'll have to try to ask him about this. So….thanks for doing the conference call. Obviously, I got a lot out of it. I can't wait to listen to the recording again and see what else comes up. S.A.
70 minute seminar was $28 now $14
Part 2 - In the first half, Penelope discusses how we are now able to move forward in our evolution to connect with each other in a unified was as abundant energy is continually being released on the planet for our spiritual growth.
Answering seminar participants' questions, Penelope explains the nature of portals found on Earth that access other realities and how to find and feel them, how the veils between dimensions have dropped so that instead of multi-dimensional reality with separations, we now have all-dimensional reality available and we can perceive and travel dimensions in a new way.
Other questions elicit information about how the telepathic connection goes beyond linear time and space concepts into understanding a greater reality; how animals are activated to express more of their spiritual missions now that many humans are more receptive; how we can continue to access spiritual realities and ground ourselves in our spiritual center through our daily life challenges.
Guided by Penelope and Sherman, the journey in the second half leads us to experience dimensional travel as an expansive, grounded, all dimensional, all life connection in our unified oceanic atmosphere of being.
This is cutting edge evolutionary material not available in this way elsewhere. Spiritual adventurers, don't miss this opportunity!
108 minute seminar was $37 now $14
Penelope & Pepito at Avenue of the Giants by the roots of a fallen redwood
A Compassionate Life
Dr. Laurie Moore's Surrender and Creation Series May 2010
Dr. Laurie Moore interviews revered, founding animal communication specialist and spiritual teacher, Penelope Smith, about her philosophy and way of life.
Penelope expresses how to live a compassionate life filled with joy and grace by appreciating the teachings that come with every event and being in our lives.
Playfulness, kindness, acceptance, appreciation, humor, and laughter fill her theme of living in a natural outflow of love and compassion in action. She shares her insights on how to live authentically in the divine comedy of life on Earth.
In the course of the interview, Dr. Laurie Moore and Penelope flow into a playful banter and exchange their mutual discoveries aobut life, growth, and animal wisdom, expressing a level of synergy of understanding that is electric.
89 minute seminar was $22 now $11