Which book, audio, or video is right for you to learn animal communication?
What should you study first to become an
animal communicator?
Here’s our recommended program:
Start with the classic, foundation book, Animal Talk Just knowing that telepathic communication with animals is possible, that you can understand animals through exchange of thoughts and feelings, can begin to open the door to remembering that you have communicated with animals. You have picked up their intentions, understood their feelings and what they were trying to say to you at some time in your life.
After you walk through the steps in Animal Talk, you can go deeper into understanding how animals think and feel with When Animals Speak. This will ground you in the basics, including "how to" techniques, and then go on to more depth in the subject.
The book with comprehensive knowledge and help with animal dying and death, Animals in Spirit
If you cannot do a Basic Animal Communication Course in-person or online with an animal communication instructor or wish to have a preview or review of the fundamentals, then get the How to Communicate with Animals Basic course audio recording and booklet
Then get the Animal Communication Mastery Series audio recordings - a must for animal communicator training. Let animals teach you and expand your understanding with their guidance and wisdom to access the ancient knowledge that we all share.
The Telepathic Journey: Opening to the Whole audio recording gives you a guide on what to expect as you progress on the journey in animal communication to encourage you through the challenges and the leaps forward.