These are words people have used to describe Penelope Smith and her pioneering work in animal communication or interspecies telepathic communication, the name she originated for the field.
Find out more about Penelope
DISCOVER a complete program for you
to learn animal communication
What is Animal Communication?
How Does It Work?
Real Life Results of
Animal Communication
The Animal Communicator Blog
Television Interview with Jim Masters and Penelope Smith
Covers the what, how, who, and why of animal communication for newcomers or seasoned communicators.
Since the 1970s, I've had a mission to bring forth a hidden ability found in everyone. The secret language that unlocks the door to understanding all species. I created the title interspecies telepathic communication to show the wider application of communicating with animals, plants, mountains, rivers…all life, in and beyond physical form. Echolng indigenous wisdom: Everything is alive. Everything communicates.
My vision: People recovering their ability to communicate with other species—realizing it is within them and can be remembered, recognized, practiced, and developed. Exchanging thoughts and feelings telepathically with other species bringing rich realizations and positive change. People living more fulfilling lives as they walk on Earth with other species and all life in mutual understanding and compassion. All beings and Mother Earth enjoying this deep connection.
My vision: People recovering their ability to communicate with other species—realizing it is within them and can be remembered, recognized, practiced, and developed. Exchanging thoughts and feelings telepathically with other species bringing rich realizations and positive change. People living more fulfilling lives as they walk on Earth with other species and all life in mutual understanding and compassion. All beings and Mother Earth enjoying this deep connection.