Animal Talk Animal Communication Penelope Smith
Understanding Animals Viewpoints
Penelope Smith Animal Talk Animal Communication
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The Animal Communicator Blog

Remarkable Ways Animals Take Care of Us

The Species Link Journal archives are filled with thoughtful and amazing articles written by beginning and advanced animal communicators. Amy Richardson wrote this article for the July 1993 issue after attending an animal communication course I taught at Spring Farm Cares in Clinton, New York. It is a wonderful example of how much we can learn from our wise animal friends when we listen to them. It shows how they consciously help us because of their evolved consciousness and love.
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The Human Superiority Complex Rides Again

Almost nothing can get me on my soapbox as the assertion that animals are lower and less-evolved than humans, or that humans are the ultimate, divine species on Earth.
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Pepito Returns

My former long-haired Chihuahua, Pepito, and I went through many changes after the sudden shock of his death on August 30, 2024. I kept in touch with him as he traveled in the spiritual realm, assimilating high angelic energies and appearing to me in various ways.
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Navigating Your Sensitivity

Several students attending my Advanced Animal Whispering Course had great questions about handling their sensitivity—a follow-up subject to my last blog on protection.
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Protection from Negative Beings

I bought your animal communication audio recording course but have never practiced them because I have fears and concerns about opening myself up. I have heard and read that there is a danger of coming in contact with negative beings and a need for protection once we open ourselves up. 

Does this happen because people do not work on themselves to clear out negative aspects they may have? I have heard that we attract vibrations that are similar to us. As none of us are perfect and are here to learn and grow spiritually, how can we be safe from attacks from negative forces or beings?  How can I ensure that I am not attacked or put others in danger from beings that may come through? 
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